/ lolostock

3 Zodiacs Who’ll Be Plagued By Self-Doubt On December 6

Even the most confident people have days when they feel off. Their normally steely self-esteem gets rocked, whether from good old-fashioned anxiety or from unsettling things happening in their life. When that self-doubt creeps in, it can be hard to wrest yourself from its clutches. On December 6, these three signs will be plagued by self-doubt. Here’s how you can avoid sinking deeper.


You’re normally head-strong, happy to dance at the beat of your own playlist. People don’t like you? Who cares! Clearly they have bad taste, right? But even you aren’t impervious to self-doubt. On December 6, that feeling will creep up and catch you by surprise. Things that would normally go unnoticed are starting to bug you. You worry that your boss is mad at you or maybe your friends actually hate you. You’re trash! (No, you’re not.) While today might suck, try not to bring this negative energy with you into the rest of the week.


You’ve noticed that when you have lots to work on and plan, it prevents you from settling into your negative thoughts. How could you find time to feel bad about yourself when you have so much to do? On December 6, even if you have your entire day scheduled from the moment you wake up until your head finally hits your pillow, self-doubt will still come knocking. It’s time to stop ignoring your negative feelings and start exploring them. It’s the only way you can finally put them to rest.


You’re not the type to sit at home doing nothing. Instead, you like to keep yourself busy doing something fun, whether it’s making a quilt or climbing a mountain. Some might say that you do these things in order to distract yourself or run away from your feelings. While that’s not always the case, it may be why self-doubt is suddenly finding you on December 6. As soon as you stop for a second, the bad feelings creep into your thoughts. While you may be compelled to distract yourself like always, you might be better off stopping and facing those feelings. Get to the bottom of why you feel this way so you can stop them from sticking with you.