Tom Fisk

3 Zodiacs With A Fearless Daredevil Heart

When’s the last time you took a big risk? Whether it’s going on a last-minute road trip or climbing a massive, majestic mountain, some people thrive on adrenaline and new experiences. Certain zodiacs are more likely than others to be daredevils, according to their astrological traits. Here are the star signs with the most thrill-seeking souls, and how astrology explains their thirst for adventure.


As the very first sign of the zodiac, Aries people are like newborns in many ways. They are fearless because they haven’t learned to be afraid of anything, and they are eager to explore the world around them. These brand new souls are bold, courageous, and easily bored. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, energy, and desire. Thanks to Mars’ influence, Aries people are impulsive and often act before thinking. As a fire sign, Aries people are passionate and energetic, so they crave experiences that get their heart pounding and adrenaline pumping. Aries is also a cardinal sign, giving them leadership skills, so they are the first to step up to the plate when it comes to a new or risky task. If you’re looking to do something wild on a whim, call up your Aries friend – they will always be down for any kooky schemes you cook up (the more dangerous and strange, the better). And if you want to motivate an Aries, dare them or place a bet – they are super competitive and never shy away from a challenge.


Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect, thinking patterns, and expression. This means that the sign of the twins is highly intelligent and always craving mental stimulation. Geminis seek out new experiences and risky adventures to keep their active minds occupied. Additionally, Gemini is a mutable sign, meaning they are adaptable, versatile, and intuitive. They navigate strange new environments with ease, and they make friends wherever they go. They yearn for change as a way to level up their lives and keep them from feeling stagnant. There’s nothing a Gemini hates more than being bored; they would rather be uncomfortable and face the unknown than stay stuck in a dull, predictable routine. Whether you’re looking to mix up your schedule with an intimidating dance class you’ve never tried or take a scary risk by going cliff diving, your Gemini friend is the one to call. They are happy to go along with whatever quirky caper you have in mind, and they’ll enhance the experience by providing intellectual conversation and a dose of silliness.


As the sign of the traveler, there is no member of the zodiac who craves adventure more than Saggitarius. This star sign is represented by the archer, a centaur yielding a bow with its arrow pointed toward the sky. Like the archer, Sagittarians are always setting their sights on new goals and will stop at nothing to achieve them. Their targets typically include exciting bucket list experiences like traveling to dozens (or hundreds) of countries, or trying the best restaurant in every city they visit. Like Gemini, Sagittarius is a mutable sign, so they are adaptable and embrace change. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, and growth. Thanks to Jupiter’s influence, Sagittarians have an innate desire to learn more about the world. Their favorite way to do this is by taking risks, especially ones that involve travel. Want to head to the airport and buy the next plane ticket out, no matter where it’s going? Your Sagittarius friend will make the perfect travel companion. Need an adrenaline rush by going bungee jumping or ziplining in a foreign city? Your Sagittarius pal probably already knows the best place to go. Archers possess the most adventurous spirits of the zodiac, and they love the thrill of taking chances.