Matthew Hamilton

30 Little Things You Should Do For Yourself At Least Once This Year

It’s time to make your life something special–something to be remembered and loved. Rather than following a mind-numbing routine of sleep, work, binge-watching, and back to sleep, add some fun and levity with these little things you should do for yourself this year.

1. Go out to eat by yourself, and do it with real (or pretend) confidence.

2. Dye your hair the color you always dreamed about.

3. Say no to the person who’s always asking for too much.

4. Reread a book you loved when you were a kid or teen.

5. Have a picnic at the park and read your favorite book under the shade of a tree.

6. Finally clean that one part of your home that you’ve been avoiding.

7. Wear the outfit you’ve loved but have been too self-conscious to wear out.

8. Buy yourself flowers and set them out in a nice vase.

9. Bake and decorate some cookies without an occasion or holiday as an excuse.

10. Build a pillow fort and hang out inside while watching your favorite shows and eating your favorite snacks.

11. Set app timers on your phone for your most-used social media apps–a tech diet could do you some good.

12. Gift your all-time favorite book to a friend or family member.

13. Make a promise to yourself to drink more water.

14. Take the most luxurious bath you can. Bust out the wine, candles, and fancy bath bombs.

15. Make a YouTube playlist of funny videos to go back to when you’re feeling down.

16. Dedicate an entire Saturday night to pampering yourself–face masks and mani-pedis galore.

17. Go through your closet and get rid of anything you haven’t worn in the last year.

18. Get up early to watch the sunrise.

19. Write the worst possible poem you can, then recite it for your friends.

20. When you’re feeling stressed from work, follow a relaxing yoga video as soon as you get home to decompress.

21. Put on your favorite dance music from high school and have an impromptu dance party.

22. Write in a journal every day for a week. Write about your day, paste movie stubs inside, draw the bird you saw–whatever you want.

23. Finally block the exes you cyber-stalk.

24. If you haven’t already, make an appointment with a therapist.

25. Learn how to make your favorite restaurant dish.

26. Buy yourself a stuffed animal, Squishmallow, Build-a-Bear. There’s no age limit on happiness.

27. Finally make one of the home crafts you pinned on your Pinterest board eight years ago.

28. Go to sleep a little earlier, surrounded by your best pillows and blankets.

29. Commit to an entire day without talking down to yourself or criticizing the way you look.

30. Allow yourself the same grace that you give to your best friends. You’re human, you’re flawed, and you’re fantastic.