30 People Discuss What They Think Quietly Screams Wealthy

1. Financial Risks

Have a friend who is moving to the Bay area. To work for a non-profit. Part-time. She didnā€™t know what her salary would be.


2. Mystery Prices

Not hesitating to eat in a restaurant with no prices on the menu.


3. Lots of Legos

I cleaned huge houses for a living, and to me it was the custom built Lego rooms with cabinets -floor to ceiling -full of organized Lego sets.


4. Their Attire May Shock You

Friend of mine used to run a ridiculously exclusive cocktail bar. He always said ā€œThe ones in the fancy clothes who look filthy rich are normally reasonably wealthy. The ones in jeans and t-shirts who look normal are normally filthy richā€
Basically the truly rich people didnā€™t see the place as anything out of the ordinary, so saw no reason to dress up.


5. The Pool House

Having a pool house. And letting guests stay there because itā€™s a nice nice pool house.


6. Money and Time

If you use money to get time instead of time to get money.


7. Free Time

Suspicious amounts of free time to pursue their interests, travel, or just be out and about.


8. Being Spontaneous

Spontaneity. Just talking about something or some place and doing it or booking it there and then.


9. Not Living Paycheck to Paycheck

One of my roommates child-hood friends has generational wealth, billionaire level. They lived on the Big Island of Hawaii and she would remark that he would just decide to go skiing, in Aspen on a whim, and wonder aloud why everyone else didnā€™t just drop everything and go the next day. The guy was super down to earth but a bit disconnected from the reality of his friends living paycheck to paycheck.


10. Polished Silver

IĀ know itā€™s not a big thing, but people who use really nice plates and silver cutlery very casually. Iā€™ve seen poor people with mustangs. But Iā€™ve never seen poor people eating with polished silver.


11. No Refunds

Not bothering with refunds because itā€™s not worth the hassle.


12. Not Using the Extras Much

Owning a second house or a boat and not feeling obligated to use it heavily.


13. Pianos

Just having the space to have a piano that size in the house, especially if itā€™s not used often, must mean youā€™re pretty well off before you even look at the name on the piano.


14. Entering Through the Empty Garage

Saw someone say once ā€œeveryone enters their house through a garage thatā€™s empty except for some bottled water.ā€ I donā€™t know why, but this is so true.


15. Age of Retirement

Retired with no debt before being in your 50s.


16. Black Amex

I used to work at a clothing store. This lady comes in, sheā€™s well dressed looks great and is super polite to the people helping her. At checkout she pulls out a black Amex card.
She was not my first black Amex card customer but she was above and beyond more of a human than the others.
I assume she was rich as fuck.


17. Weekend Home

A Family member owns a lake house but always refers to it as ā€œjust a little weekend placeā€ like itā€™s no big deal and everyone has one.


18. Drinks on Me

Being able to buy a round of drinks for your friends is wealth. Doing that without affecting your rent is a huge deal and should be celebrated. Itā€™s a good goal to have.


19. The Trip House

Casually owning a second house in another state for ā€œtrips.ā€
Edit: when I say house Iā€™m not referring to just a small cabin, I was referring to a full size house for the family, this is what came to mind cause I know a few people who own an additional home in other states, their secondary houses range from 350K to 575K USD.


20. Outfit Choice

Being the guy wearing a suit in a room of guys in t-shirts and sweatpants.
Being the guy wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants in a room of guys wearing suits.


21. Future Expectations

Speaking about your plans for your life with full expectations that they will be successful no matter how unrealistic they would be to the rest of us.
ā€œI plan to become a writer, but in the meantime Iā€™m thinking of opening my own art gallery. Iā€™ll totally be successful, all my wealthy friends will buy shit from me, then Iā€™ll hire someone to run things while I travel for the experience Iā€™ll need to do my writing.ā€


22. The Level of Noise

Wealth Is Quiet. Rich Is Loud. Poor Is Flashy.
Credit: Tim Denning


23. Just Buy Instead of Renting

I was out with a few of friends of friends last year, and I was talking how I was going to be forced out of the area I live because rent prices have increased by 15-20% in the last 12 months. One of group piped up with the sincere, but dumb as fuck, suggestion, ā€œWhy not just buy your own house?ā€
Cheers pal, never thought of that.
Spoke to him a while longer and it turns out his family are major landlords in the area and own many of the apartments within the area of the city I live in. One of the deciding reasons I canā€™t buy my own property is, funnily enough, his parents buying it all up and charging so much for rent that being in a position to even save for a mortgage is a pipe dream, let alone actually getting one.


24. Braces for All

Parents with multiple children with braces. I remember going on vacation to Jamaica and going into town and I asked my dad why none of the kids had braces on their teeth (almost my entire class at school had braces at the time). He gave me this look of disappointment and was like, ā€œbraces are very expensiveā€. A lot of things really clicked for me in that moment as a 12 year old.


25. Sure

Saying ā€œsureā€ to every suggestion a server makes. ā€œPrime Rib with orange salmon mushroom glaze?ā€ Sure. ā€œPairs well with our 1976 Pineapple Farms Pinotā€. Sure! ā€œAnd for. Dessertā€¦. ??? We do have a purple avocado sorbetā€. Sounds good.


26. College Without Loans

Maybe not quietly, but being able to afford college without loans, financial aid, or having a job screams money. Bonus points if the parents are bankrolling the whole experience.


27. Level of Politeness

I grew up wealthy. What Iā€™ve noticed is manners. The longer your family has had money the more likely you are to be polite to everyone. Iā€™ve had friends ask how to behave at functions. Be nice to everyone and donā€™t attract attention to yourself. Loud and rude is either new rich or people thinking thatā€™s how rich acts.


28. Being Attractive

Attractiveness. Sure anybody can be attractive when theyā€™re 20, but it take time and money to stay that way in your 30s and beyond. Plenty of sleep, good nutrition, exercise, nice hair and skin, well fitting clothes, plastic surgery, etc all quietly (sometimes loudly) scream ā€œmoneyā€. This struck me the hardest on the beach In Cancun. The people (especially the women) hanging out in front of the Ritz Carlton and similar luxury resorts looked SO different from the people at the public and motel beaches.


29. Skiing From a Helicopter

I had a boss with 3 sons that work at the company. They would go skiing. But they would jump from a helicopter at the top of the mountain to ski on fresh snow. I was always amazed by that.
My ex had a rich family. They owned many houses and they had 3 just on their main property. They even had their own mini firetruck. And they had a lot of fake floral arrangements in the houses. I have fake flowers in my house now too.


30. Whole Foods

I felt like a baller when I did all my grocery shopping at Whole Foods and didnā€™t look at the bill.
