33 Things You Could Be Doing Instead Of Texting Him
Stop it. Put down the phone. I see you there, thinking so hard at your iPhone that you’re practically using telepathy to draw out a single text message notification. It’s not worth it. If he really liked you, he’d put in the effort. You know you shouldn’t be texting him. Here are some things to do instead.
- Texting your friends instead. They probably have some advice anyway.
- Making that weird recipe you found on TikTok.
- Starting a revolution. Down with the patriarchy!
- Doing a boudoir photoshoot, even (and especially) if it’s just for yourself.
- Getting lost in a new binge-worthy show.
- Befriending a crow by feeding it snacks in exchange for shiny trinkets.
- Building a pillow fort and putting up a sign that says “No Boyz Allowed.”
- Having an indoor picnic with a charcuterie board. Can’t exactly think about guys when you’re stuffing yourself with fancy meats and cheeses.
- Finally starting to write that book you’ve been talking about.
- Eating dinner at one of those restaurants where you can draw on the tablecloth with cheap crayons.
- Donating time or money to your charity of choice. Everyone loves a philanthropic queen.
- Starting a book club, but for only books that are terrible, so you can complain with your friends while still feeling productive.
- Learning an interesting instrument, like the banjo or the Theremin.
- Completely throwing out your wardrobe and replacing it with thrift store finds that speak to you more than your old clothes ever did.
- Texting a random number an inspiring quote.
- Telling your friends you love them, because why not?
- Becoming obsessed with Wordle so all activity with your phone is based on solving a daily word puzzle.
- Getting rid of all your expired makeup. Save your skin from that mess.
- Starting a podcast about whatever cool subject you care about, like beekeeping or ritualistic murder.
- Doing that hobby you and the guy don’t share. If he turned his nose up at your love of crocheting little beetles, do it out of spite.
- Filling your bedroom with as many twinkle lights as you can find so you feel like you’re sleeping in a magical fairy land.
- Photographing all of the cool graffiti in your town, like a cool urban scavenger hunt.
- Shaving your head. Then you can never say you never did anything impulsive. Plus, hair grows back.
- Wrapping up the books you don’t want with fancy wrapping paper and handing them to strangers as surprise gifts.
- Eating an apple. Maybe it’ll keep the guy away, too.
- Texting what you want to say, but sending it to your best friend instead. Maybe that’ll get it out of your system.
- Learning how to make croissants. That’ll eat up a good chunk of your time.
- Buying some chalk and making art on the sidewalks outside of your home.
- Going on a date with yourself. Really try to impress your date, because she’s beautiful.
- Watching all the movies you loved as a kid to see if they aged well.
- Learning how to paint with watercolors. Why not?
- Filling a jean jacket with every patch and enamel pin you can find and wearing it every chance you get.
- Referring to him as “this guy I used to know.”