4 Birth Months Who Are Attracted To Intelligence Above All Else
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Birth Months Who Are Attracted To Intelligence Above All Else

Some people are looking for a partner who will make them laugh until their stomachs ache. And others are more interested in finding a person who challenges them and teaches them more about the world. Someone who they can spend hours chatting with without growing bored. Here are the birth months who are attracted to intelligence above all else:


You’re attracted to intelligence because you try your hardest to learn as much as you possibly can — and you want a partner who does the same. You want a partner who is willing to put effort in every single day. Who is willing to ask questions and listen closely to the answers. They don’t need to be the smartest person on paper, but they need to be thirsty for knowledge. They need to be happy walking through museums with you and watching documentaries and learning more about the world around you. They need to be committed to self-growth.


You’re attracted to intelligence because you are interested in learning. You love hearing random little facts from your partner, whether they’re about the planets and the universe or their favorite video game franchise. You love when your partner has something unexpected to add to the conversation that you’ve never heard before. You want a partner who is going to teach you new things, whether it’s about their career field or a personal hobby of theirs. You understand intelligence comes in many shades, and you’re happy to learn whatever they have to share with you. Mostly, you’re just looking for a partner who is happy to chat and share and communicate. Who isn’t going to sit there and let you do all of the talking.


You need a partner who is going to challenge you. Who is going to push you to reach your potential instead of holding you back. You aren’t interested in dating someone who mindlessly agrees with everything that comes out of your mouth. You want them to have a mind of their own. You want them to correct you when you’re wrong. You want them to inspire your growth. You’re attracted to intelligence because you want a partner who is open-minded enough to admit when they don’t know something, and wise enough to share what they do know. You want someone who is always willing to learn more and deepen their knowledge, no matter how old they grow.


You’re looking for a partner who will have long, thoughtful conversations with you. Who will engage with you about any topic instead of simply nodding their head and pretending to be invested in what you’re saying. Overall, you’re looking for more than a superficial love. Looks aren’t the most important thing in the world to you because you care more about what’s inside. About their brain. About the way they view the world and the way they communicate. You need a partner who will mentally and emotionally stimulate you. Who will keep teaching you new things and will be eager to learn new things from you as well.