4 Birth Months Who Don’t Need Much ‘Romance’ In Their Relationships
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Birth Months Who Don’t Need Much ‘Romance’ In Their Relationships

Some people want all of the grand, romantic gestures you see in movies — bouquets of flowers, expensive jewelry, rose petals sprinkled across the bed, five-star meals, and romantic getaways across the world. But others are interested in a more subtle type of romance. They don’t need the things typically associated with the word. Here are some birth months who don’t need much ‘traditional romance’ in their relationships:


Romance isn’t the main thing that you’re looking for in a partner. You’re looking for consistency. You’re looking for someone who will show up whenever you need them, who will keep all their promises, and who will make you feel loved. They don’t need to perform grand gestures in order to prove how much you mean to them. In fact, you believe that the little things show their true personality the best. You would rather date someone who is trustworthy, who always tells the truth, who is their most authentic self — than someone who shows you they care with their wallet.


Romance, in the traditional sense, doesn’t appeal to you. You couldn’t care less about whether your partner can afford to whisk you away on a romantic getaway or make reservations at a pricy five-star restaurant. You’re happy with pizza and soda on the couch while watching your favorite movies, as long as that means you get to spend quality time together. You really aren’t looking for anything fancy. You just want someone who fits you well, who can make you laugh, who puts effort into keeping the relationship strong. You want someone who cares. It doesn’t matter how they show they care, as long as they do, each and every day. 


To you, romance isn’t about how much someone is willing to spend on you. It’s about how much time they’re willing to spend with you. It’s about whether they’re going to treat you as a priority or as a background character in their life. As long as your person is giving you enough time, and acting present when you’re together instead of scrolling through their phone or answering emails, you’re going to be happy. After all, you believe all you need is each other. If you’re with the right person, you can have a great time anywhere. You don’t need to be doing anything special. As long as you’re together, that’s enough.


You feel like people get romance and effort confused all the time. You don’t need someone to say mushy words to you or buy you expensive presents to prove that they care. As long as they’re showing their love through their actions every single day, that’s enough. As long as they’re putting effort into making you smile, making you feel appreciated, and making you feel respected, that’s enough. In fact, most of the time, effort can be even harder to find than romance. Anyone can buy you something nice to suggest that they care. But it takes someone really special to put aside the time to treat you right every single day, to put real effort into loving you and keeping the relationship strong.