4 Birth Months Who Make The Best Long-Distance Partners
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4 Birth Months Who Make The Best Long-Distance Partners

Some people struggle with long-distance relationships because it’s hard to be a good partner when your person is a thousand miles away. It’s hard to maintain trust and intimacy when you are never in the same room for long. But some people aren’t going to let distance stop them from developing a strong, healthy relationship. Here are the birth months who make the best long-distance partners:


You make an excellent long-distance partner because you are all about communication. You talk to your partner about anything and everything that pops into your head. You are always sending them messages, whether it’s to tell them how much you miss them or to talk about the day that you’ve had. And if there’s a problem, you will bring it up right away so you can work toward fixing it instead of sweeping it under the rug and pretending everything is fine. Even though you are far apart physically, you never go long without speaking to each other. You are in constant communication, so you feel close emotionally.


You make an excellent long-distance partner because you are one of the most loyal birth months in the zodiac. Your partner never has to question your love for them, or whether you are remaining faithful, because they know that you would never do anything to hurt them. Even though they can’t see you in person, they know that you are doing right by them. They trust that you are putting your all into the relationship. Your passion shines through every phone call and text that you send them. They can clearly tell how much you care about them, even from afar. The distance between you never impacts your love for them.


You make an excellent long-distance partner because you are vocal about your feelings. You never hold back from telling them what’s on your mind. You share both the good and the bad with them so they always feel close to you, emotionally. Even though you might not be able to hold each other’s hands or give each other kisses, you do your best to make them feel loved with your words. You give them as many compliments as possible because you aren’t shy about your feelings. You aren’t afraid to get vulnerable. You shout your love from the rooftops so they never forget what they mean to you.


You make an excellent long-distance partner because you are so passionate. You make your partner feel loved, even though they are miles and miles away from you, by saying those three little words as often as possible. You never hold back a kind word or a compliment. Your energy shines through during every conversation with them. They can feel how much you care about them because you are always so happy to hear from them. You might not get to see each other often, but you make the most out of every moment you spend together. Your positivity makes a long-distance relationship possible. Maybe even enjoyable.