4 Birth Months Who Pretend To Have Unbreakable Hearts
Jesse Herzog

4 Birth Months Who Pretend To Have Unbreakable Hearts

Everyone has emotions – but not everyone expresses them out in the open. Some people act like nothing you say or do could ever bother them, but that’s only an act. They can get their heart broken too, even though they would never admit it. Here are the birth months who pretend to have unbreakable hearts because they don’t want anyone to see them hurting:


You never want anyone to view you as weak, which is why you rarely show your emotions in public. You wait until you’re behind closed doors to let the tears flow, then wipe your face clean so no one realizes what you were doing when they see you walking around in public. You want the rest of the world to see you as unbreakable, but really, you are surprisingly sensitive and only the people closest to you know this about you. The rest of the world assumes that nothing they say or do can hurt you, but you take most things to heart. You aren’t as emotionless as you appear at first glance.


You pretend that your heart is unbreakable because you are trying to protect yourself. You never want to admit when you’re upset. You never want to give anyone the satisfaction of seeing you sweat. You would much rather show your rawest emotions when no one else is watching, when you’re in the privacy of your own home, so you don’t have to explain yourself and so you don’t have to feel embarrassed. But nothing about showing your emotions is embarrassing. You’re human. You’re allowed to feel. You’re allowed to have a heart. You don’t have to keep pretending that you’re stone cold.


You pretend that you’re fine, even when you feel like your world is falling apart around you, because you want others to view you as strong and unbreakable. You want to look like you have your life together, like nothing can bother you. You have fooled everyone into believing that you are hard when you’re secretly soft and mushy on the inside. But you don’t have to continue this way. You don’t have to wear a mask every time you step out the door. It’s okay to show your vulnerabilities. It’s okay to allow others into your heart. Although it might be uncomfortable in the beginning, it could actually make you feel better in the end.


You pretend that your heart is unbreakable because you are uncomfortable expressing your deepest emotions in front of others. It’s easier for you to pretend everything is perfectly fine than it is for you to get real and vulnerable about what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling. But expressing those emotions could be exactly what you need in order to process them fully. You shouldn’t stuff away your feelings because it seems more convenient. You’re only hurting yourself by lying and hiding. You need to be brave enough to be vulnerable. You need to let your softer side win for a change.