Thought Catalog Agency

4 Concrete Signs They’re Zombieing You (And Will Ghost You Again)

Zombieing is when someone ghosts you, then comes back from the dead without warning. Here are a few signs that this person hasn’t returned to your world with good intentions. They’re only going to entertain themselves with you for a little while before disappearing again: 

They don’t have a good explanation about why they went MIA.

If they really cared about you and wanted to create a healthy, stable relationship with you, then they wouldn’t start off with secrets and lies. They would be real with you about where they went and would apologize for dropping out of your life without warning. They would do whatever it took to set things right with you and hope that you were willing to give them another chance. But if they’re zombieing you, there isn’t going to be an apology for their sudden disappearance. In fact, they probably aren’t even going to acknowledge the fact that they disappeared from your world for weeks – or even months. They’re simply going to slide back into your world as if nothing happened. As if they didn’t break your heart.

They’re making big (but vague) promises.

They keep talking about how badly they want to see you in the future, but they never set a date and time to hang out with you. They keep it vague so they don’t have to end up canceling plans with you – or actually seeing you. But if they were serious about creating a relationship with you, they would put effort into scheduling a date with you. They wouldn’t talk big without following through with their actions. Their behaviors would back up their words. There would be no doubt about whether they meant what they were saying, because their actions and words would line up.

They still aren’t really letting you into their world.

When you ask them questions, they keep responding with flirtatious comments and jokes instead of answering you in an honest, straightforward way. If they won’t even give you a straight answer about whether they’re single or why they’re contacting you out of the blue, then they aren’t ready to be in a relationship with you. They aren’t ready to open their heart to you. They’re only chatting with you temporarily until they come up with a reason to leave again.

Their behavior is exactly the same as last time.

They might be flirting with you today – but they used the same lines on you once upon a time and then walked away without a word. Even though they’re saying all the right things, you’ve heard it all before. And you don’t want to let them break your heart a second time. Remember, you don’t have to allow them back into your world. You don’t have to give them another chance. After all, why should they get to pick and choose when to pay attention to you? It’s not fair for them to expect your time and attention when they want it, even though they were perfectly fine ignoring all of the texts you sent in the past.