Yaroslav Chaadaev

4 Most Sensitive Zodiacs Who Take Things To Heart

Do you know someone who takes everything personally? Somehow they manage to make even the slightest issue about themselves, when it really has nothing to do with them. Certain zodiac signs are more likely to do this than others, based on their astrological traits. Here are the four zodiacs who take things to heart, and why they get offended so easily. 


As the number one sign of the zodiac, Aries people are their own first priority. Aries also rules the first house, which is the house of the self, identity, and attitude. This means that, for Aries people, everything really is about them, which is why they take things personally. They are always trying to figure out their place in the world and how everything works in relation to themselves. 

Aries people are strong, sassy, and independent, and they never back down from a disagreement. Their tendency to take things personally often results in conflict. For example, if you speak sharply or condescendingly to an Aries, they assume you don’t respect them. Maybe you were just having a bad day, but an Aries won’t let it go. They will serve your rudeness back to you ten times harder, and they will get to the bottom of why you treated them poorly. If you do something to offend an Aries, be prepared for it to come back to you. 


As a water sign, Cancers are sensitive, emotional, and intuitive. They are guided by their feelings instead of logic, so everything that happens to them creates a strong emotional reaction. And, as the youngest or most spiritually immature water sign of the zodiac, Cancers tend to focus on their own feelings instead of putting themselves in other people’s shoes. 

For example, if you accidentally miss work because you stayed up too late the night before, a Cancer boss will assume it’s because you don’t like them. You probably just failed to wake up when your alarm went off, but your Cancer boss will make it about themselves. Instead of letting it go or issuing a punishment, a Cancer will call you into their office and ask if they did something wrong to make coming into work so difficult for you. 


Libra is guided by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, which tells us that Libras are naturally gentle, loving people. They avoid confrontation and are constantly worried that people are mad at them. If a friend or co-worker has a rough day and snaps at a Libra, they assume they did something wrong and want to resolve it quickly. They take things personally because their relationships are important to them and they can’t stand having anyone upset with them.

Libras also love a little drama and gossip, and they can’t help but get in the middle of other people’s arguments to play peacemaker. It may seem like they make issues about themselves because they always manage to get involved in other people’s problems. But really, they can see all sides of the situation and just want to help everyone get along.


This one is surprising because Capricorns typically come across as serious and unemotional. As an earth sign, Capricorns lead with logic instead of emotion, and they don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves. You’ll never know it, but they take things personally more often than you’d suspect. 

Capricorns have a hard time understanding and expressing their emotions. When you do something that hurts their feelings, like turning down an invitation or canceling plans at the last minute, they take it to heart. Instead of assuming you got sick or an emergency came up, they think you don’t value their time or want to hang out with them. But they’ll rarely call you out on it because they don’t want to appear sensitive and vulnerable, which they (mistakenly) view as weaknesses. If you do something that has the chance of offending a Capricorn, make sure you provide an explanation so they know not to take your actions personally.