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4 Things You Can Expect From Neptune Stationing Direct In Pisces This Week

On November 6, at approximately 8:30 AM EST, the planet of illusions finally stationed direct in Pisces. After almost six months of clouding our minds with misinformation, Neptune is no longer retrograde.

Although Neptune is exalted in the dreamy waters of Pisces, bringing intuitive and spiritual knowledge to the surface, there is a dark side to this transit that we have been living under since 2011.

Neptune in Pisces has corresponded with a variety of challenging periods in religious history. Unsurprising, perhaps, since Pisces represents spirituality in general—and the adopted symbol of the early Christians, who called themselves “fishers of men.”

Under past transits, Nicene Christianity was instituted as the state religion by the Roman Empire; the Salem Witch Trials targeted women suspected of heresy; and Darwin’s Origin of Species was published, much to the chagrin of those who held to a creationist worldview.

Religious propaganda is not the only sort that we can expect under Neptune in Pisces, but it is something to pay close attention to as we progress through the 2020s. Until Neptune leaves Pisces for good in 2026, we must be vigilant while consuming media and remind ourselves that we are not exempt from the alluring pull of the Neptunian waters.

The potential to fall prey to a cult of personality or ideology is stronger than ever, as Neptune sits at the later degrees of Pisces—and things will get even more serious when it conjoins Saturn midway through the decade.

Here are four things you can expect now that Neptune is in forward motion once again.

Religious and ideological conflicts will continue.

Religious and cultural identity will become increasingly important, even to those who do not actively practice. The devout will become more radical, encouraged by the threat of either real or imagined persecution. Dogmatic and even cultic worship is commonplace under Neptune in Pisces, meaning that many of us will be tempted to go along to get along. Those who do not think or believe like the status quo are regarded with suspicion. This is a time to question what you seriously believe, value, and are willing to fight for. Are you following others around you because it is safe and comfortable, or are you holding fast to your own convictions even if they are unpopular?

Misinformation will propagate rapidly.

Be alert when reading any new articles nowadays, even if they come from seemingly trustworthy sources. Neptune in Pisces lulls us into a false sense of security, causing us to believe we are swimming in comfortable waters until the harsh waves of reality force us under. It is tempting to remain in familiar territory, supporting the ideals we have long held to be true, but we must attempt to break through cognitive dissonance and call out fallacies when we see them. This is a crucial time to examine not only our news but our own preconceived notions of reality. No one is immune to propaganda.

AI will further blur the lines between reality and fantasy.

We got a taste of this right before Neptune stationed retrograde back in the summer—and it could not have been a more divisive time. This debate will surely kick off again. Some people love the possibilities AI provides, marveling at its capacity to create lush and whimsical renderings of digital dreamworlds based solely on text-based prompts. Others are horrified by the larger sociological implications, as AI, in the hands of propagandists, is the best possible tool to sway opinion. AI has the potential to become a runaway train, but only time will tell whether lawmakers are able to corral it into a more manageable tool that improves rather than complicates our lives.

We’ll keep talking about astrology.

Astrology is going nowhere, and by the time Neptune conjoins the academic time-keeper Saturn near the middle of the decade, it might even receive some scientific credibility. At least during this period, Neptune in Pisces has correlated with the mainstreaming of astrology—every brand imaginable, from Aritzia to the NFL, has recently used pop astrology for marketing purposes. However, religious opposition to astrology may grow stronger. Under the Christian Roman Empire, certain forms of divination were punishable by death. St. Augustine, a former astrologer, denounced his practice after his famous conversion, stating that astrology was not compatible with Christian theology. It seems unlikely, at least for now, that interest in astrology will fade, especially with the countless resources accessible to us on the Internet—and excellent books like Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas.