Bekir Donmez

4 Zodiac Signs Closing A Chapter During The Virgo Lunar Eclipse (3/14)

Any time you hear the phrase “blood moon,” it conjures up some understandably ominous images. Despite being referenced numerous times throughout the Bible, from the prophetic poetry in the Book of Joel to the apocalyptic violence of the Book of Revelation, blood moons are actually relatively common occurrences that take place during total lunar eclipses.

The upcoming total lunar eclipse will occur at 23° Virgo on March 14 at 2:59 AM EST, very close to the South Node, so it’s going to portent endings more than beginnings.

There is nothing more clarifying than closure, so if there is an area of your life that you are determined to put to rest, the cosmos is on your side during this eclipse season, especially if you need to commit to something that requires surrender, since the North Node in Pisces reflects our collective need for faith. This is even further emphasized by 29° Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, sitting nearby.

The devil is in the details, and it’s possible you’ve been missing the whole picture because you’ve been too hung up on making sure everything appears perfect. It’s a time to allow for more authenticity to flow through our creative and romantic lives.

Whether this blood moon is truly a bad omen is up for debate. Certainly it will be a significant time-keeper for some massive geopolitical events, but you don’t need to be an astrologer to predict that.

The signs who will be most impacted on a personal level are the four mutable signs, especially those with placements in the latter degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

If you have any of the following rising signs, an important house in your natal chart will be hit by the eclipse, destabilizing you but ultimately giving you a chance to say goodbye to something you’ve been clinging to. It’s better to see where you have gone wrong so you can course-correct—one of the beneficial effects of an eclipse, even if they’re generally pretty chaotic events.


With the eclipse hitting your fourth house, your home and family situation is about to radically change. Some of you are already in the process of buying or selling a new home, while others will be blindsided by the announcement that they need to relocate. With Mercury, the ruler of the eclipse, ruling your natal first and fourth houses, your identity and physical body are likely to undergo changes as well, resulting from the big changes occurring in your family. Whether you introduce a new baby into the family or hurt your back while you’re hauling boxes into your new apartment, you’ll feel both physically and mentally strained unless you allow yourself time for sufficient self-care.


This eclipse is all about you, bringing the attention and drama to your first house. While you’ve gotten independent work down to a science, it’s time to allow others into your world; there is more opportunity for success in your life right now when you choose to ally yourself with creative and romantic partners who share your beliefs and values. While this will be fulfilling on a personal level (albeit frustrating, if you’re not used to compromise), it will also provide an opportunity to elevate your career to new heights. That’s because Mercury, the ruler of the eclipse, rules your natal first house and tenth house, the two most important houses when it comes to professional reputation and legacy. Afraid to jump into a new relationship? If you take a risk, you could end up becoming a formidable power couple.


As the eclipse rocks your tenth house, you will become hyper-focused on your career and social standing at exactly the wrong time. Instead of hustling harder, you will recognize your need to prioritize rest and self-care, especially if you have a family at home relying on you for emotional support. Right now, this is more important than making money or changing the world. With Mercury, the ruler of the eclipse, ruling your natal seventh and tenth houses, your closest partnerships are likely to influence your decision. Listen to the advice of those you trust; they know what’s best for you, and they will provide a safe haven to come home to. Some of you will suffer marital or family problems that require your immediate attention, while others will crash out and acknowledge that you need to take a leave of absence.


This eclipse is overpowering your seventh house, bringing revelations regarding your relationships and attachments. Yes, this can indicate heartbreak weather, but not always; it could just as easily reflect marriage or engagement. Either way, this period of time will force you to reconsider your own value outside of your relationships, and try to accomplish more things on your own. With Mercury, the ruler of the eclipse, ruling your natal fourth and seventh houses, your living situation could change, too: those couples who are marrying and moving in together will have to learn to get along on a day-to-day basis, when the honeymoon phase is over and the everyday challenges of life complicate matters.