Anais Ruiz

4 Zodiac Signs Who Make The Best Pet Owners

As most longtime pet owners will readily acknowledge, it takes the right kind of temperament to care, train, and shelter an animal inside your household. Whether raising a puppy from infancy or adopting a cat from your local animal shelter, owning a pet is a tremendous responsibility that only a select number of people are capable of handling. Fortunately, some astrological signs seem far better equipped to raise pets than others, thanks in large to their patient personalities, compassionate demeanor, and doting attitudes.


You’re all about cultivating a comfortable living space, Taurus, a personality trait that goes a long way in ensuring your pets adequately acquaint themselves with their new environment. Animals, like Taureans, dislike rapid changes or chaotic living arrangements, frequently tucking their tails between their legs when presented with last-minute alterations. As a result of their meticulous lifestyle, a Taurus winds up providing their pets with the stability they so heartily rely on.


To you, the idea of unconditional love is almost too good to be true. But rest assured, Cancer, when you own a dog, cat, or even a desert-dwelling bearded dragon, you feel that love radiate from the deepest depths of your pet’s soul. As an extraordinarily emotional sign that’s forever heaping praise and support on other people, the unwavering love you feel from your pet is enough to make you jump for joy.


If you happen to own pets right now, Virgo, there’s a decent chance they’re some of the best-trained animals in your neighborhood. Just as your perfectionistic attitude influences your stringent work ethic, a Virgo’s hard-working demeanor makes them a suitable owner for any pet in their home. Valuing obedience and training above all else, a Virgo is able to give their furry companions both love and support, all the while making sure they don’t step out of line or develop a stubborn rebelliousness that puts them at odds with their human handlers.


To you, there’s no such thing as challenges – there’s only obstacles waiting to be solved. Of course, training a pet serves as the ultimate puzzle for your mental faculties to unravel, putting your patience and emotional understanding to the test. While some signs might grow weary every time their unruly puppy refuses to sit on command, you only smile, pat the pup’s ears, grab another treat, and say, “Okay, let’s try this one more time.”