4 Zodiac Signs Who Prefer To Keep To Themselves On Weekends
Not everyone likes to go on huge adventures over the weekend. Not everyone likes to go out to clubs and dance with friends and strangers. For the following four zodiacs signs, having a quiet weekend at home sounds like a dream come true. They’d rather keep to themselves, watching their favorite shows, reading an array of fun books, or creating art. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying being alone. Are you one of these four zodiac signs?
As much as you hate how everyone talks about you being a homebody, you have to admit that it’s true. While you’re not necessarily against having people over for little dinner parties or game nights, your baseline comfort comes from keeping to yourself on the weekend. It’s your way of winding down after a week surrounded by coworkers or customers. You just want to use these few days to shake off all the unwanted social interactions and to reset before you have to do it all over again–and that’s a lot easier to do when you’re by yourself.
There are too many things you want to do over the weekends and they’re significantly harder to accomplish when you’re surrounded by people. You have chores and projects, and they aren’t going to do themselves. And even if you finish off your weekend to-do list, that doesn’t mean you want to spend the rest of your time socializing. Instead, you’d rather take this rare moment of free time to be by yourself. Maybe you’ll just binge-watch Ted Lasso or finally crack open that book you bought six months ago. The world is full of possibilities just as long as everyone leaves you alone.
Oh the plight of the workaholic Capricorn. You work so hard during the week, and then the weekend comes along and you do it all over again. You hate just sitting around because it makes you feel like you’re “lazy,” so you usually spend your weekends getting stuff done. Could these chores wait? Definitely. But that thought isn’t going to stop you from doing them. And that’s why you’d rather keep to yourself. It’s a lot harder to get things do when people are around. Although, if your friends can convince you to get out of the house, you tend not to regret it.
Honestly, it doesn’t even cross your mind to get together with people on the weekends. Your default is to spend your day working on hobbies and projects or going out for walks by yourself. It’s how you recharge. You feel comfortable by yourself. It doesn’t feel lonely at all. If you’re invited to something, you’ll probably go, but you’re almost never the initiating hang-outs with people over the weekend. You like to just do your own thing, and that’s perfectly okay.