Benjamin Voros

4 Zodiac Signs That Will Be Deeply Impacted by The New Moon On March 10th


Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet associated with dreams, intuition, and spirituality. As the new moon aligns with their sign, Pisceans may experience heightened sensitivity and intuition. They may feel inspired to set new intentions, dive deep into their emotions, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.


Virgo is an earth sign known for its practicality and attention to detail. During the new moon, Virgos may feel a strong urge to declutter and organize their lives, both internally and externally. They may focus on setting intentions related to health, work, and personal development, seeking to establish new habits and routines for increased efficiency and well-being.


Sagittarius is associated with exploration, adventure, and philosophical pursuits. Under the influence of the new moon, Sagittarians may feel restless and eager for new experiences and opportunities. They may feel inspired to broaden their horizons, expand their knowledge, and pursue their passions with renewed enthusiasm and optimism.


Gemini is an air sign known for its curiosity, adaptability, and love of communication. During the new moon, Geminis may feel a strong desire to connect with others, share ideas, and engage in stimulating conversations. They may focus on setting intentions related to learning, networking, and socializing, seeking to foster meaningful connections and intellectual growth.