Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiac Signs Who Will Try Their Hardest To Keep You


Taureans are notoriously stubborn. If something isn’t working, they won’t give up on it. Instead, they will do everything in their power to fix it — even if it’s hopelessly unfixable. They value stability and security, so they will try their hardest to keep a relationship from being disrupted.


At their best, Cancers can be very nurturing and loving. At their worst, they can be very manipulative. When they feel a relationship is reaching an end, they will try and control their partner into staying with them, through tears and guilt.


Scorpios can be quite possessive of others, especially their partners. When a relationship has run its course, they will deny it at first. They might even avoid the problems entirely and act as if everything is okay.


Pisceans hate breakups, being alone, and letting go of someone they care for so deeply. They will do whatever they have to do to make sure their relationship doesn’t end. They will people-please and offer anything and everything to their partner in order to keep them.