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4 Zodiac Women Who Need To Learn To Put Themselves First

In our patriarchal culture, women are expected to be nurturers. They are expected to give and to be happy with receiving nothing in return. They are supposed to put their family members’ needs ahead of their own. Women are trained since birth to take care of others—even pets—before they take even think of taking care of themselves.

Far too many women these days are stuck in outdated notions of gender roles where men are supposed to be dominant and women are supposed to be submissive. And it all becomes exhausting. Sooner or later, women wind up feeling burned-out and unappreciated. Dispirited. Maybe even a touch resentful.

It doesn’t have to be that way. 

There’s nothing selfish with taking care of yourself. In truth, it’s hard to love others before you love yourself. Here are four zodiac women who undervalue their worth and need to put themselves first.

1. Pisces

There’s nothing wrong with being an empath, but the problem with Pisces women is that they’re more prone to feeling others’ pain than they attend to their own anguish. There’s nothing wrong with being innocent until someone takes advantage of it. Pisces women, due to their dreamy, idealistic nature, struggle to see the good in others, even if they need a magnifying glass. As a result, they find themselves being empathetic to people who don’t return the favor. Lambs are cute and sweet, but it’s dangerous to be a lamb in a world full of wolves.

2. Cancer

This Moon-guided water sign makes for the most emotional and maternal women in the zodiac, but somewhere along the line society lost the plot, got separated from nature, and didn’t realize how fiercely protective mothers are to their babies in the animal kingdom. Mama bears out in the wild will bite your head off if you come near their cubs. Cancer women should learn to take that ferocity and use it toward anyone who wishes to harm them. Instead, they worry that if they’re assertive, it might come off as abrasive. But who cares if someone calls you a bitch? Your self-esteem is more important than their worthless opinion.

3. Libra

Represented by the Scales of Justice, Libra women (Librettes?) wind up being hampered by their innate sense of fairness. But the problem with being fair is that we don’t live in a fair world. It would be nice if you could take people at their word, but that’s assuming that others never lie. When you think about the very idea of Lady Justice blindly holding the Scales, it’s ironic when you consider that our entire criminal-justice system is based on the idea that not only criminals lie—so do accusers. If the accusers never lied, why even have trials? Libra women will never feel true balance and inner harmony—the most important kind—until they tilt the Scales in their own favor for a change.

4. Virgo

The Virgin is famous for being a perfectionist. But underneath every perfectionist lies someone who is too self-critical. Someone who sees too many flaws in themselves. Someone who doesn’t feel they’ll be accepted unless they cover all their blemishes with makeup. Someone who’s riddled with self-doubt. Someone who’s far too eager to please. Someone who relies on others’ approval almost as if it were oxygen. Someone who’s afraid of being seen as too demanding. This all needs to end. Virgo women need to start making demands of others—and if those demands aren’t met, they need to cut those people out of their lives.