4 Zodiacs About To Crack Under The Pressure This Week (January 8 – 14)
It’s only one week into 2024. You’d think that you’d still be feeling relaxed from the holidays or still riding the high of a brand new year and all the hope that comes along with it. But if you’re one of these four stressed-out zodiac signs, you’re spending this week just trying not to crack under the pressure. You may be able to handle stress just fine normally, but that’s not the case right now. One more unexpected problem or backhanded compliment and you’ll implode.
You’re no stranger to pressure. It’s just that usually you thrive with it. You were the one in college who would leave your papers until the last minute and still come away with an amazing grade–and you were fine with half the class hating you for it. Everyone has their moments when they’re about to crack though, and this week is that moment for you. You can only keep yourself together for so long before the weight of the world is just too much.
You’re starting to feel it, aren’t you? You don’t always notice when you’re getting too stressed out, but if you pay attention, the signs are there. Maybe you’re staying up way too late, drinking far too much coffee, or have become short with people in your life who don’t deserve your extra sassy attitude. Listen to your body and do what you can now to let some of the stress go. Otherwise you might just explode and destroy everything in your path.
One of the hardest workers in the zodiac, you aren’t a stranger to stressors. You’re just usually very good at handling the pressure. You’d rather work hard than choose an easier life. But everyone has their breaking points, and this is yours. Don’t fall into negative self-talk during this stressful time. You’re not weak or lame for needing to rest. You’re not a failure for cracking under the pressure. It just makes you human, as inconvenient as that is.
In a way, it feels like you’re always stressed out, always close to breaking down from the pressure. Some might say that you don’t handle stress well, but it’s more that you agree to take on new responsibilities when you know deep down that it’s too much. This week, you might start regretting saying yes to helping a friend or taking on a coworker’s workload. You can keep working hard and get closer to a breakdown, or finally tell someone “no.” The decision is yours alone.