4 Zodiacs About To Lose It (And How They Can Keep It Together)
Aries has let way too many things pile up. The laundry. Unpaid bills. Doctor’s appointments. Dentist’s appointments. Hair appointments. Everything in their home is unkempt, disorganized, or expired. It’s gotten out of control that Aries finally can’t escape the overwhelming weight of their own responsibility. Everything all at once seems impossible to deal with, but if they just make up their mind to cross out a single thing on their list at a time – a single load of laundry, cleaning the bathroom, taking out the trash – they can slowly put everything back in its place. Luckily for them, this experience is enough to make them think twice before they ever neglect a chore or responsibility ever again.
Pisces has taken a passive aggressive approach to resolving a conflict, but the other party hasn’t taken the hint. Instead of just explicitly stating that there is a problem, Pisces has beaten around the bush, stopped answering texts, and avoided further contact, but none of those tactics have been affective, and they find themselves at the end of their rope. While they feel like they’re going to explore, learning to calmly and effectively communicate their wants, needs, feelings, and boundaries will have a better effect. It’s time for them to mature and handle their problems head on. Continuing to bury their head in the sand will only cause further irritation. Hiding from a problem never made it go away.
Taurus is sick of playing a game they’ll never win. The rules have been stacked against them from the very beginning, and no matter how hard they work, how positive of a mentality they keep, how dedicated they become, they will never be able to overcome their own circumstances. It drives them absolutely mad, because Taurus never wants to feel like a quitter, but sometimes quitting, walking away from an unfair situation, is the only way for them to come out on top. When Taurus looks at everything with a more empathetic set of eyes, they’ll realize that not playing the game at all is the only way they can take care of themselves and protect their own interests. They have to be the person who stands up for themselves.
Libra is caught in a head to head with someone who is just as stubborn as they are, and it’s driving them up the wall. Repeating themselves day in and day out, arguing their case, proving their own correctness with endless exhibits and proof has completely exhausted them, and at the end of the day, hasn’t moved the needle the slightest bit. Only when Libra learns to listen will they be able to effectively reason with the other party. They have to give and take in this situation if they ever want to reach a compromise, and maybe that’s the point. They’ll never stiff arm their way to getting one-hundred percent of what they want, so they need to learn to negotiate.