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4 Zodiacs About To Reconnect With A Childhood Dream


Before the world “got to” Virgo, they had some of the purest childhood intentions you’ve ever seen. Before they knew what competition was, they loved to collaborate. Before they knew how to be aggressive, they loved to mediate. Before they knew how to prove others wrong, they loved to help people. They get back to some of these childhood dreams by making a career pivot. Instead of chasing the top of a ladder that never ends, they take a long hard look at the ways their skills could help others. The ways they could improve lives, make people happier, make them feel a part of something important. Instead of doing everything for compensation or recognition, Virgo aims to reconnect with their desire to leave this place a little better than they found it.


Before Sagittarius wanted to travel the world, they had a childhood hero. A character from a book or movie that they emulated, be it Sherlock Holmes or Harriet the Spy. Something about their hero made them believe they could stop crime or solve a mystery, save the day or fix someone’s problem. It’s this capacity for accomplishment that Sagittarius has lost touch with. Sometimes the world feels so big to them that any kind of meaningful change at the individual level seems impossible, but if they just put on the right hat, or trench coat, maybe they could reconnect with that childhood belief that self-determination and personal skill are sometimes more than enough to tackle our biggest problems.


Cancer is the kid who grew up too fast. The one who left fairy tales behind, and felt live lost its magic once the truth about Santa Clause was out of the bag. They lost faith in people once they realized the lofty ideals they held them to came from stories as well. But they have a chance to reconnect with this deeply held desires when they encounter true love for the first time. When they see an individual rise above their basest urges for self-preservation, and choose to do something just to benefit another individual, it renews Cancer’s belief in things they thought only existed in fiction. It reminds them it’s not just them against the world.


The older Leo gets, the harder it becomes to bring the gang back together. People move, people travel, people settle down, get married, and have kids, and on and on with a million reasons why they can’t just drop everything to come over for a glass of wine at absolutely a moment’s notice. The days of sleepovers where everyone fights to not be the first asleep seem like a distant memory or simply a scene from a teen movie. But a stroke of luck of a special occasion is all it takes for Leo to get the chance to reconnect with those childhood dreams of having the people they love most all in one room for a night of fun.