Dominic Xavier

4 Zodiacs Destined To Break Up Or Get Engaged


Leo’s social circle can be a blessing and a curse. They’re prey to the envy that comes with watching all of their friends fall in love and get married, but that also means they know what real love is supposed to look like. And so when they feel like something is missing in their own relationship, they know they can trust their gut. They don’t want to waste time being with someone who isn’t the right fit, and their generous nature means they’d want the same for the other party as well. Leo may have a reputation for frequent shorter dalliances, but it’s really just their way of searching for ‘the one’. When they finally find that person, they’re not going to wait to formalize the union. Luckily for all of their friends, it will be a party to remember for years to come.


Libra is always looking at the bigger picture. They don’t go back and forth, or find themselves needing more time to make up their minds about a relationship. They have a good handle on their partners strengths and weaknesses, superpowers and flaws. And even though change is always a possibility, Libra feels comfortable making a huge decision in the here and now – can I accept this person as they are and as they will be, on their worst day and on their best? If the answer is yes, Libra will make that commitment in a public and permanent way, and if, sadly, the answer is no, Libra won’t wait around hoping circumstances will change. They only have one life to live, and there’s no time to waste on a relationship that isn’t meant for them.


Aries is an extremely loyal partner, but they also expect extreme loyalty in return. They are destined to break up or get engaged because they’d never stay too long with a partner who wasn’t sure about them. In their mind, love is all about two people going all in on a relationship. It’s not a test drive or a trial run. If both parties aren’t ready to make a lifelong commitment, then they’re always better off seeing what else is out there than waiting for someone to make up or change their mind and choose them. When Aries does find the person who wants to spend the rest of their lives together just as much as they do, there’s no point in waiting to take the next step. They want to start that happily ever after as soon as possible. 


Capricorn uses some pretty unromantic analogies to explain their outlook on love. They think of it like the stock market, knowing that the earlier you buy in, the greater your potential reward. But that doesn’t mean they are looking to jump in blindly, either. They do their research and due diligence, they know exactly what they are investing their time and resources in before making a binding transaction. Capricorn isn’t just dating for a good time, sex, or to gain experience, they are searching for a life partner, and because they are so certain about that search, they don’t waste time with anything that’s not aligned with that goal. In the sweetest way possible, they truly don’t want to keep ‘the one’ waiting.