4 Zodiacs Experiencing A Once In A Lifetime Chance On 3/30 (Thanks To Neptune In Aries)
Neptune is the planet of dreams, ideals, and fantasy. For the past 14 years it has been moving through Pisces, where it’s really comfortable. With Neptune in Pisces, we’ve been living in Alice in Wonderland vibes. On March 30th, Neptune makes its trek into Aries which brings a major dose of clarity and action. In particular, the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will be deeply impacted by this transit.
When Neptune moves into your sign it you get a chance to take your dreams off the drawing board and into the real world. It’s finally time to start creating a plan of action for that idea that has been circling around in the back of your head – maybe for even over a decade. Aries, you are considered the innovator of the zodiac, and with the artistic Neptune taking up residence in your sign for the next 14 years, you have a really great chance at creating something truly revelatory!
Your career is getting majorly up-leveled during this transit. Likely, you’ve already been considering which way you want to steer your ship but something about Neptune in Aries provides you with a really nice wind in your sails. Clarity is coming! If you’re stuck between career options or have just been waiting to see what the next step is, don’t fret. This transit brings a surety about which path is truly yours to take. Say “yes” to a dreamy, once in a lifetime opportunity.
Could this transit be bringing you love at first sight? Your sign excels at one-to-one partnerships. With dreamy and romantic Neptune traipsing through your house of committed relationships, there’s never been a better time to remain prepared for a meet-cute. Even if you’re flying solo, you’ll still feel like you took a swig of Love Potion No. 9. Take yourself on a date. Daydream about your future wedding. Let yourself soak up all that romance and sweetness, you deserve it, Libra!
Capricorn, if you’ve had that one dream house on your vision board for forever or have secretly been fantasizing about moving abroad on a whim, then this transit may give you a solid path to making those dreams a reality. Your sign loves stability, so you may have been letting the idea of a dream space or location sit on the backburner until the timing felt “right”. Well, guess what, Capricorn, the time is now! You may find that getting into that dream house will actually prove to be MORE stable.