Huong Giang

4 Zodiacs Experiencing Big Changes The Week of 7/21

It’s a big week for the zodiac signs!

While there are plenty of reasons to get excited (the start of Leo season is upon us!), this week marks a major transit whose effects will resonate in significant ways this week: the full buck moon in Capricorn.

If you’re scratching your head and wondering, “Wait, didn’t we just have a full moon in Capricorn last month?” —you’re correct! Last month, we experienced the strawberry full moon in Capricorn at the start of Cancer season, and in a rare occurrence, we will have this second full moon on July 21st at 6:17 am (EST) to close the chapters we started last month. This full moon also occurs on the 29th degree, representing a true endpoint as it’s the last degree in a cycle. 

It’s important to think back to the themes occurring during the first full moon in Capricorn last month, as it’s time to re-evaluate and complete what was started. While all the zodiac signs will feel the effects of this full moon, four signs will experience big changes to foundational areas of their lives. Check your signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see which four zodiac signs will experience changes this week!


Last month, you started identifying what you want and need out of your life, Capricorn. With the full moon in your 1st House of Self and Identity, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is to make those things happen. Taking risks could work well in your favor, especially with Uranus—the planet of rebellion—in Taurus forming a trine to this full moon. Whether this leads to an opportunity to take the reigns of your own life or whether you have to create that opportunity yourself, it’s time to get out of your own way and embrace your power. 


You’ve been reflecting on the state of your relationships this past month, Cancer. You’ve learned a lot about the dynamics you are in, and now, as the full moon appears in your 7th House of Partnerships, it’s time to make clearer decisions surrounding your connections. You may desire to take a romantic relationship to the next level or strengthen your bond with a close friend. You could also recognize some of your relationships are unhealthy and incapable of change or repair, and it’s time to let them go. An unexpected event could be the final piece of insight you need to make your decision, and remember that people tell you exactly who they are—if you have to constantly make excuses for them, ask yourself why. 


The last month has encouraged you to look at your career aspirations and determine the best ways to pursue them, Aries. You may have received extra responsibility or had the opportunity to be promoted—or enter a new field altogether. The full moon in your 10th House of Career and Public Image now asks you to define precisely what you want and go for it. You’re known to be a go-getter, and you could experience a shakeup in your finances that solidly helps you decide the best decision to make with your long-term goals. However, you must also ensure you’re making time for the rest of your life because regardless of how good the offer is, you’ll burn yourself out if you bite off more than you can chew. You know the best decision for you deep down, and it’s time to stand firm with it. 


You’ve been reflecting on how you care for yourself and your domestic life, Libra. You’ve likely taken time to think about how you were raised and what home means to you and find better ways to rest and care for yourself without carrying shame. As the full moon appears in your 4th House of Home and Roots, it’s time to set the boundaries you’ve needed for a long time. As you re-parent yourself and tend to the wounds that still show up for you, it’s time to release the ideas of what you’re “supposed” to do and embrace what will bring you security and safety. You don’t have to keep holding on to how things have always been—it’s time to make space for the new.