Jeff Isy

4 Zodiacs Breaking Hearts


Aquarius tends to be quite fickle and indecisive. They roll like a rolling stone. They love the idea of love, similar to how you’ll fall in love with the idea of them. But they don’t like this. Because at times, they’re not even sure how well they know themselves so how could you possibly love them they wonder. Aquarius seek self-discovery and actualization through their pursuit of adventure and a good story to tell. This is how they view their romantic “conquests” – if you will. An opportunity for another good story to add to their collection. They’ll stay for the night but it’s difficult to keep them past noon. Though they long for a Sunday kinda love, there’s a part of their nature they can’t control. Their intention is never to break your heart, but this seems to always be the case in the end. If you can supply them with an endless abyss of unpredictability and lust for life, they’ll stick around. However, eventually, they do grow restless and sense the world is calling for them yet again. They’ll never forget the love you showed them, but it’s not always enough for them to stay. They often feel misunderstood. They’re not the bad guy, love and emotions are just inherently complicated and they haven’t figured out that side of themselves yet. They don’t want to be fixed, just understood.


To break their heart would break your own. The thing is, most of the time, the only way you’ll get your heart broken by a Capricorn is if you break theirs first. Capricorns can be rather curt when it comes to love. They almost treat matters of love like business. They’ve learned to be protective of their hearts but once they let you in, it’s because they feel as if you’ve earned their trust. They are loyal and grounded and once they commit, it’s endgame. You’re either with them or against them and the second they feel like you’ve broken their trust, they become vicious. A darker side of their nature is revealed as they twist the knife. As represented by The Devil tarot card, they understand the pitfalls of man and how to exploit this. Seduction becomes a game that they play and the goal is to cut you deeper than you cut them. They’re not evil, they view themselves as doing the world a service by making sure you think twice before pulling some shit ever again. For Capricorns, it’s all about getting what you deserve. You bark, they bite. You cut, they shoot. Capricorns will hurt you more than any other zodiac because they know how to exploit the dark sides of human nature. They know your strengths and your weaknesses. They know the pressure points you possess that you never admitted to having. Their favorite way to break your heart is to win. The devil works hard, but Caps work harder, they get hotter, and they make you regret the day you ever thought you could get away with it. 


It’s easy to fall in love with a Gemini, but lord have mercy, is it hard to fall out of love with them. One would think that since they are represented by The Lovers tarot card any sort’ve romantic relationship with them would be a fairy tale but you’d be naive to think so. Why is this? Because hate is not the opposite of love. The opposite of love is indifference. You can love and hate a person at the same time and if you don’t believe me… date a Gemini. They don’t make it easy. It’s nearly impossible to love a Gemini and walk away unscathed. They expect you to love every aspect of them. The good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s a package deal. If they sense your disdain for the more difficult side of their nature, they refuse to let up until you accept them for who they are. But this darker side of their nature is almost unrecognizable at times. Sometimes, you don’t even know who this person is. That is not to say you should avoid Gemini’s altogether. Their love is intense and it’s something only few can truly appreciate. Their unpredictable nature creates a toxic cycle you don’t realize you’re stuck in. The lows are just as low as the highs are high. Everything about their nature is balanced. To love a Gemini will be both incredibly rewarding and make you question every decision you’ve ever made. Regardless, if they break your heart, you’ll learn a lot about yourself in the process. 


Loving a Virgo is not for the faint of heart. Virgo’s aren’t a bad sign to date. They most likely won’t do anything to intentionally hurt you. Most Virgos are respectful and caring of others’ emotions. Regardless, they aren’t the kind of sign to be emotionally reckless with. But it’s difficult not to surrender to their charm and the idea of a future with them. Like their corresponding tarot card The Hermit, they are quite independent and are only willing to reciprocate love if it meets their incredibly high expectations. Virgos typically prefer to be alone. They are incredibly satisfied being with themselves and will only commit to you if it’s better than being alone. They will accept your heart but most likely won’t give you there’s in return which in and of itself will leave you feeling empty and dependent upon their approval. It’s the pursuit of a Virgo that will break your heart. They can unintentionally make you feel like you aren’t enough. Like no matter what you do to please them, it will never be enough. You could offer the world on a silver platter just for them to apathetically shrug their shoulders and return their attention to themselves. The worst part about getting your heart broken by a Virgo is the fact that they won’t give you a reason to hate them. How could you hate them? Because they didn’t like you back? That just means you two weren’t meant to be together. But because you don’t hate them, it makes it harder to move on from the idea of you two being together. You’ll spend months pouring over every interaction with them, wondering where you went wrong and what you could’ve done better. Blaming yourself for missing out on something special. Just know, it’s not you. And it’s not even them. There is no bad guy in this story, just two people who didn’t work out in the end.