4 Zodiacs Set For Epiphanies As October 27th Arrives
Aries is in love. Or was in love. Or is literally on the verge of it and there is nothing they can do to stop it. The point is there is a person in Aries life who they’ve never acknowledged their true feelings for. And whether they are smack dab in the middle of it, let the opportunity pass them by, or have the foresight to see what’s coming their way, this realization is massively important to the way they see themselves. They are capable of love. They can be honest with themselves and recognize the full extent of their desires and aspirations in life. No matter what happens or happened with this person, the important part is that they now see what they want out of life and feel it is attainable.
Cancer hasn’t been themselves. They have sacrificed some core aspect of their personality for something or someone else. The important part is making the realization and deciding what to do about it. Is it worth it in the long run? Is this a short term or permanent change? Will they be able to recognize themselves if they stay the course, or is it time to pull themselves out of this situation and escape while they can? Either way, the decision is entirely in Cancer’s hands, and they feel the enormity of the situation and their power to choose for themselves. A life path can be completely altered by a single decision, and this is one of those times. Choosing wisely is the only option.
Libra realizes they’ve been too hard on someone, holding them to impossible standards. It’s the kind of realization that someone arrives at because they’ve matured, because they’ve grown up enough to look at something in their lives from an entirely different perspective. Like seeing your parents as an adult for the first time, or realizing that people in power don’t have the answer to everything. Libra will beat up on themselves for the error of their ways, but the important part is recognizing you couldn’t have come to this conclusion anytime soon. It’s all a part of how life is. We know more as we live more and not any sooner. We have to learn one step at a time.
Capricorn realizes they need to make a major career change. Whether that’s quitting their job, asking for a raise, or anything in between, they make a stark realization that they don’t want to continue on the way things are forever. It’s a discomfort that heralds a big change in a big way, but it’s nothing a Capricorn can’t handle. It may come as a surprise or a shock, but they will recognize it immediately and respond appropriately. Capricorns are never ones to ignore feelings this massive and important. They know trusting their gut is the only thing to do. It’s gotten them as far as they are today and won’t fail them after so much progress.