4 Zodiacs That Should Make Major Career Moves After 9/8/24

On September 8th, the willful Sun opposes the forbidding Saturn, forcing everybody to balance what they want with what they need. For 4 zodiacs, the pressure to stay in an oppressive job will be too much to bear. Although this realization will be scary, it will also lead several signs to a much happier, healthier work situation. Keep reading to learn if you are one of the few who should start looking for a new way to earn money. 


Clever Gemini needs a career that affords lots of creative expression. Unfortunately, such work has been elusive, thanks to stern Saturn’s tour of this zodiac’s 10th House of Professional Matters. Instead of despairing that they’ll never find professional happiness, The Twins should take a more inventive approach to work. Getting a degree or certificate in design, working overseas, or launching a home-based business are options worth exploring.


Although Virgo is famous for being highly intelligent, productive, and discerning, they’re being overlooked in the professional arena. That’s because Saturn, the planet of restriction, is opposing this zodiac’s Sun. This transition makes it impossible for Virgins to shine, no matter how well they perform. Working freelance or becoming a consultant can remedy this problem, helping Virgo avoid egomaniacal colleagues who take all the credit for this sign’s brilliant contributions.


Ambitious Capricorn needs a job that continually allows them to reach new heights. Unfortunately, restrictive Saturn, their ruler, is moving through their 9th House of Expansion. This transit limits the Goat’s chances to learn, grow, and create. Going back to school or working as an apprentice can improve this zodiac’s long-term professional prospects. Any pursuit that involves working with physical materials is strongly favored, as such work appeals to Capricorn’s earthy nature. 


Inhibited Saturn is touring Pisces’s 1st House of Identity, making it hard for this zodiac to express their vivid creativity. This is affecting the Fish’s career success, not to mention their prospects for finding a better job. Rather than looking in vain for a high-paying position, this sign is better served landing a steady job that doesn’t require lots of emotional energy. That way, Pisces can pour their heart into creative pursuits that will bring fame, acclaim, and lifelong abundance.