Ava Wittkop

4 Zodiacs That Tiptoe Through Life, Afraid To Take A Risk


Taurus, the grounded and steadfast bull. Your determination and loyalty are commendable, but sometimes your caution can border being extreme. While it’s great to weigh your options and think things through, there’s also beauty in spontaneity and taking risks. Remember, not every decision requires weeks of contemplation. Sometimes, the best moments are the unplanned ones. This month, maybe try an impromptu outing or a last-minute decision that breaks you out of your routine. You might end up surprising yourself.


Cancer, your protective nature—especially towards your loved ones—is admirable. However, this often translates into being overly cautious; not just for yourself, but also for everyone else around you. While your intentions are pure (and it’s understandable you want to look out for other people), life requires its fair share of adventures and leaps of faith. Embrace uncertainty once in a while and let the people around you enjoy being spontaneous, too. After all, growth often lies outside of comfort zones.


Analytical Virgo, you’re a highly attentive sign. You see everything (and remember everything, too). This also means that you have the unique ability to foresee problems before they arise. However, over-cautiousness can sometimes cause you to miss out on certain opportunities. It does pay to be prepared, but not at the cost of skipping the spontaneous parts of life. Sometimes, you need to set your plans aside. Embrace the unexpected and take the chance to figure out what life is like without a blueprint.


Capricorn, you’re always climbing and striving for the top. You’re cautious, yes, but that caution often stems from a desire for perfection and fear of setbacks. While prudence is a strength, excessive caution might end up preventing you from finishing your climb. Life isn’t just about reaching the top of the mountain, but also about enjoying all the scenic detours along the way. Enjoy leaving the decisions up to someone else every once in a while and getting to just be to be along for the ride.