4 Zodiacs Transforming Their Life As Pluto Re-Enters Capricorn (9/1)
Pluto is on the trek backward again, moving in a retrograde motion. From September 1 to November 19, 2024, the planet of evolution will re-transit Capricorn. However, this will be the final sweep of Pluto in Capricorn. After that, the Pluto in the Aquarius era will remain for decades.
What does this mean? With Pluto, change, transformation, and soul searching are required. In Capricorn, we must confront the oppressive forces we experience from society, authority figures, and those deemed “in control” over our population.
In this period, four zodiac signs will contemplate how they can rewrite the script, reclaim empowerment, and move through life intentionally to support their long-term evolution in the upcoming Pluto in Aquarius years.
With Pluto re-entering Capricorn, Aries’ public image is still undergoing transformation. In the coming months, they will make profound decisions reflecting their authentic purpose in life. What role do they wish to play in society? What career path supports this vision? It’s not the time to play it safe. To make a difference in their lives and those of others, they must overcome the fears holding them back from professional development or at least from living in alignment with integrity toward a meaningful legacy.
Cancers are asked to champion their relationship struggles of the past as Pluto re-enters Aquarius. They must confront their fears to let love in rather than allow their worries to prevent connection. There’s growth and evolution for them in store. Rather than playing it safe, they must remember they deserve profound, meaningful love. Those who allow them to process deeper emotions and reflect on their strengths through triggering moments are the ones they should accompany.
There’s growth for Libra in-store. As Pluto re-enters Capricorn, it’s time to release emotional baggage from their past. This purge is more comprehensive than in the past few years, too. Being able to witness generational patterns as they are, they’re undoing pains from their childhood and upbringing. What do they want to carry onwards from their family or caregivers? What do they want to do differently for the generations that follow? Libras should take these questions seriously during this transit.
Capricorns are impacted by Pluto re-entering their sign. They need to fully commit to all they’ve learned about authenticity, transformation, and self-preservation. There’s no use sweeping their needs under the rug. This is their life. They get to choose how they live it. Navigating life throughout this transit means being self-aware. Rather than projecting their fears outwards onto circumstances, others, or the lens through which they see the world, it is essential to transmute cynical ideas of life into empowering self-talk.