Andrea Piacquadio

4 Zodiacs Who Are About To Escape The Boredom Of Their Routines


Libra has been wearing essentially the same outfit for years, and everyone knows it. After countless hints and suggestions from friends and family, they will finally give their wardrobe a complete overhaul, starting by cleaning out their closet. The t-shirt they’ve had since middle school can go, along with the jeans that are threadbare in too many patches. Once the heavy lifting is done, a shopping spree will feel like a treat in comparison. Libra should experiment will different types of experiences to see what’s the best fit for them. Online shopping, subscription service, carrying a boatload of clothes into a dressing room at the mall. It doesn’t have to be a one-time haul, rather a gradual acquisition of garments that better fit who they are in this stage of their life. It’s all about matching their outside to the way they feel inside. 


Aries is a natural born leader, and their routine involves constant responsibility and oversight of overlapping projects. But to escape from this cycle they are about to adopt a new hobby that flips the table and puts them in the role of the novice. They will have to follow directions, take feedback, and imitate someone else’s example. Whether they go for chess, pilates, or hang gliding, they will feel a mental release from the lack of responsibility. It’s not their job to make sure everyone is succeeding. They don’t have to watch the clock to make sure things are on schedule. They just get to relax and lean into the feeling of being a beginner again. Being the one who doesn’t know everything. The one who is there to learn. The experience will help them relate to the people who report into them and treat them the way they’d want to be treated.


Virgo is so used to being in their house, where everything is organized their way, and everyone must play by their rules. Needless to say, that can get a little boring, and not everyone can kick back and relax in such a sterile environment. So this month, Virgo is going to spend a week somewhere else. Crashing with a friend. Checked into a hotel. Sharing an Airbnb with a sibling. No matter the circumstances, there’s going to be an adjustment period. You can take a Virgo out of their perfectly manicured home, but you can’t keep them from trying to trim a strangers hedges. When someone finally breaks the news to them that the point of this trip is to have fun, Virgo will take the hint and try to relax. They will even see that nothing terrible happens when they’re not constantly doing dishes and laundry and vacuuming. That switching things up doesn’t lead to imminent disaster.


Leo is doing a social cleanse this week. All standing appointments and plans, cancelled. All routines, out the window. They are going to do whatever thing they feel like doing, in the moment, without counseling or suggestion from any outside party. They don’t even realize at this point how much of their lives are dictated by obligation and people pleasing. The only way to get back in touch with their inner voice and personal desires is by quieting everything around them and really getting away from it all. They’ll be shocked to see and learn what it is they’d do when no one is looking, or asking anything of them. Sleeping in. Taking a long walk. Reading a book. Small luxuries they’ve completely forgotten about become welcome respite from the daily grind. Once this retreat is finished, they can start incorporating more down time into their long term schedule.