4 Zodiacs Who Are Happier Single Than With Homebody Partners
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4 Zodiacs Who Are Happier Single Than With Homebody Partners

Some zodiacs prefer to spend all their free time inside. They would rather have a one-on-one date in their own home than venture out into the wild with strangers and traffic. However, other zodiacs can’t stand being cooped up for too long. They will start feeling restless if they’re trapped inside, even with their favorite person. Here are the zodiacs who are happier single than with homebody partners:


You don’t mind staying inside every once in a while and enjoying quality time with your partner, but you don’t want to stay inside every single weekend for the rest of your lives. You want to live this life to its fullest. You want to see all there is to see. The last thing you want is to feel suffocated or trapped by your relationship, which is why you need a partner who is wild and adventurous. A partner who is excited to go out and try new things with you. If they refuse to go out with you and whine whenever they do get dragged along, then you’re never going to feel satisfied with them. You are always going to be craving more. 


You would be happier alone than with a homebody partner because you are a pretty big homebody yourself. If you aren’t urged outside of your comfort zone, then you’re never going to leave it. You will happily stay inside every single day and shut out the rest of the world. But that’s not what you want to spend your life doing. You don’t want to isolate yourself so much. You want to make connections. You want to experience new things. You just need a partner who will encourage you to do so. A partner who will set the plans and who will enforce the plans.


You’re a people person who loves making conversation with strangers, so you aren’t going to be happy with hanging out with your partner and only your partner. It’s nothing against them. Even if you love them more than anyone else in the world, it still doesn’t mean you want them to be your entire world. You want to hang out with other people too. You want to spread your wings since you’re such a social butterfly. Too much time in the house always makes you uncomfortable, so you need a partner who is happy to go out and about with you. A partner who understands your need to connect with others.


You get restless when you’re sitting still for too long. You can’t stand the stillness. It makes you feel like you’re missing out on excitement and adventure. Although you don’t mind having lazy days with your person every once in a while, you don’t want it to become an everyday occurrence. You don’t want to stay inside with your person all day, every day. You would be happier single than with a homebody partner because you are spontaneous. You need variety. You need excitement. You need entertainment outside of a television screen.