Luiz Gustavo Miertschink

4 Zodiacs Who Are Martyrs In Love

For some zodiac signs, love is all about sacrifice. They are martyrs in relationships, constantly putting the needs of their partner above their own. Being selfless, compassionate, and giving are wonderful qualities in a significant other… but only if it’s reciprocated and not exploited. It’s also healthy to stand up for yourself and prioritize self-care. 

The zodiac is divided into four natural elements (earth, fire, air, and water), with three signs per element. Here is the zodiac from each element that is most likely to sacrifice their own desires or even well-being for their relationships, and how astrology explains their martyr attitude toward love.

Cancer (Water)

As a water sign, Cancers are sensitive, emotional, and romantic. They love being in love, and they have a high threshold when it comes to tolerating bad behavior from a partner. Cancers are also deeply compassionate. They feel their partner’s feelings as their own, so they go out of their way to avoid potentially hurting them – often to the extent of sacrificing their own happiness. 

This zodiac sign is represented by the crab, explaining why Cancers have such a hard exterior. They act tough and independent, but are secretly soft and vulnerable. They’re terrified of getting their hearts broken, so they don’t let many people in. But, once they do form a relationship, it’s very hard for them to let go – they don’t want to start the whole process over again with someone new. So instead, they forfeit their needs and desires to try to make a dying or toxic relationship work. 

Leo (Fire)

As a fire sign, Leos are passionate, energetic, and fun-loving. Not only is Leo a fire sign, but it is also ruled by the sun. This means that a Leo’s love is like being bathed in warm sunlight: pure, comforting, and joyful. Leos radiate positivity, and one of the ways they martyr themselves in love is by ignoring their partner’s negativity. Instead of paying attention to red flags, they just shine a little brighter to crowd out any darkness in the relationship. 

Every zodiac sign rules a particular set of body parts, and Leo rules the heart, spine, and back. Metaphorically, this tells us that Leos have huge, generous hearts full of love. They are hopeless romantics who will sacrifice anything for their soulmate. The spine and back reveal that Leos have strong backbones and will always stick up for their partner and have their back (even when their partner is wrong or picks a fight).

Virgo (Earth)

Virgos are the “fixers” of the zodiac, and somehow, they always get stuck with the dirty work – including in relationships. It’s a bit ironic that Virgos are such martyrs in love because they do their best to avoid relationships in the first place. They have incredibly high standards and can easily spot the flaws in a potential partner or their compatibility, so they rule most people out quickly.

But when they do fall for someone, they fall hard. They feel like they can “fix” their partner, and end up tolerating far more than they should in the relationship. And, as a mutable sign, they tend to go with the flow and allow their partner to take the lead, even when their gut tells them it’s the wrong choice. Virgos often find themselves cleaning up their partner’s messes, both literally and figuratively. They are more than willing to do the hard work in a relationship, but a relationship should be about more than hard work.

Libra (Air)

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, which makes Libra one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac. Libras adore being in love, and they are happiest when in a committed relationship. They tend to sacrifice their own needs for a partner because they would rather be with someone who doesn’t reciprocate their generosity than alone.

Venus’ influence also makes Libras a bit superficial and willing to overlook red flags. As long as their relationship looks okay on the outside, they will put up with a lot behind closed doors. Libras are people-pleasers, so they avoid confrontation with everyone, including their partner. They can’t stand having anyone mad at them and never want to rock the boat. They’ll sacrifice their own well-being to keep the peace and make sure their partner is happy.