4 Zodiacs Who Are Most Likely To Be Fooled By A Manipulator
You aren’t foolish for falling for someone who is wrong for you. The most manipulative people know exactly what to say in order to lower your guard and make you feel comfortable. So don’t blame yourself for thinking they were being authentic. Blame them. Here are the zodiacs who are the most likely to be fooled by a manipulator:
Since you’re such a sweet, authentic soul, you assume that everyone you meet is going to conduct themselves in the same manner. But not everyone has morals as strong as yours. Not everyone prides themselves on telling the truth and being straightforward. Although you’re always hoping that others will treat you with the dignity and respect that you deserve, that sadly isn’t the case. Manipulators might end up fooling you because you don’t understand how anyone could have so much malice in their heart. You can’t wrap your mind around the idea that they would lie to you and string you along for weeks, months, or years. It just doesn’t make sense to you since you’re so kind and softhearted.
Although you are highly intelligent, there’s a good chance you could be fooled by a manipulator because you see the best in everyone that you meet. You ignore red flags for as long as humanly possible because you believe everyone has the ability to grow and change. If someone messes up and promises to do better in the future, you will believe them. You will give them the benefit of the doubt because you would want them to do the same for you. Unfortunately, there’s a good chance you could be fooled by a manipulator because you pay more attention to a person’s potential than to the way they are behaving in the moment. You give out more chances than others deserve.
You have been accused of being too nice in the past because you aren’t interested in drama. You would rather let little mistakes slide than get into a screaming match, and manipulators will use this to their advantage. They know they can get away with murder when they’re dating you because you aren’t going to want to cause any trouble. You are going to forgive and forget quickly, which will make it easy for them to hurt you over and over again. Although there’s nothing wrong with dodging drama, you need to make sure you’re standing up for yourself when the time comes. Demand what you deserve.
You are guided by your heart, which is why there’s a good chance you could get fooled by a manipulator. They will use your emotions against you. They will know exactly what to say in order to pull at your heart strings, to make you feel guilty at all the right moments. Since you are such a kindhearted soul, you aren’t going to see the betrayal coming. You are going to assume that this person has good intentions and that they would never intentionally cause you pain. You aren’t foolish for missing out on the signs that they were lying to you all along. You believed they were telling the truth because you’ve been telling the truth, and you thought you were on the same page.