4 Zodiacs Who Are On The Path Toward Healing Their Broken Heart
Allegra Messina

4 Zodiacs Who Are On The Path Toward Healing Their Broken Heart

You might feel like your heart is never going to heal from the heartbreak you’ve gone through — but it’s going to happen. You are going to feel okay again, and your heart is going to feel full and whole. It just might take some time, so be patient with yourself. Don’t rush the journey. Here are the zodiacs who are on the path toward healing their broken heart, even though it might feel like everything is terrible right now:


You might feel like you haven’t been making any progress, but your heart has been healing slowly. You have been doing everything possible to help it along. Even though you might wish you had more closure, sometimes you need to move on without it. Sometimes you need to accept there are things you will never know, questions that will never be answered. You’ve been doing better than you think at handling such a rough heartache, so you should be proud of yourself. You should trust that you can make it through this because you’re already on your way. You’re going to get there soon.


Even though your heart is broken, you are putting active effort into loving yourself, into finding ways to feel better again. You aren’t ignoring the pain or trying to numb it. You are strong enough to process it, to examine it, to grow from it. Because you’re putting in the work, because you aren’t afraid to talk about what you’re going through, you are on a path toward healing. You might not feel completely better tomorrow or the next day, but you are going to be okay again soon. You are going to overcome this heartache sooner than you think, so just be patient with yourself.


You have such a soft, gentle heart that it takes a while to heal whenever you are struck with heartbreak. But just because it’s taking a while for you to heal doesn’t mean it’s never going to happen. You need to be patient with yourself. Give yourself more grace. If you are frustrated with yourself for how slow you’re healing, you’re only going to prolong the process. You need to keep showing yourself kindness. Keep being a friend to yourself. You’ve been on the right track, so keep at it. Don’t give up on yourself because you’re almost to a place of healing. You just have a little further to go.


You are on the path to healing your heart, even though it might feel like that’s an impossibility right now. Remember, a few setbacks don’t mean that you’re headed in the wrong direction. Everyone has rough days, days when they feel like they’re moving in the wrong direction. You’re still healing, even if it feels like you’re moving backwards sometimes. Overall, you are getting more comfortable without them. And soon, you are going to see that you’re better off on your own. You’re doing so much better than you’re giving yourself credit for, so you should be proud.