4 Zodiacs Who Are Ruining Their Life By Refusing To Take Chances
Collective World

4 Zodiacs Who Are Ruining Their Life By Refusing To Take Chances

You don’t want to stay trapped in your comfort zone for too long. You don’t want to miss out on opportunities because you were too scared to take a risk. You owe it to yourself to take a chance on yourself, to chase after what your heart wants even though there’s a chance you might fail. Here are the signs who are ruining their life by refusing to take chances and playing it too safe:


You are scared of what might go wrong so you’re always thinking through the worst case scenarios, but you rarely give yourself the chance to visualize what your life would look like if things go right. Although optimism doesn’t come second nature to you, you can train yourself to think a little more positively. Even though you might not fully believe good things are coming your way, you can still consider the possibility. You can still examine every option without automatically ruling some out over fear of failure or rejection. Remember, a certain level of fear and discomfort is a good thing. It can contribute to your growth. It can lead you places you thought were far out of your reach.


Virgo, your overthinking is going to be the death of you. Although it’s healthy to think through every option and weigh the pros and cons, you don’t want to go overboard. You don’t want to keep yourself awake at night, replaying the same potential scenarios for the thousandth time. If you keep procrastinating, then certain decisions will be made for you. Certain decisions will automatically fade away. So be more decisive moving forward. Take a chance on yourself. Remember you have what it takes to reach your dreams and give yourself permission to chase after them. Playing it safe might be the answer ninety-nine percent of the time — but you need to jump on opportunities when it’s worth it.


Most of your decisions are made with the intention of protecting yourself. Protecting your heart. Protecting your ego. But you need to stop playing it so safe. Although it’s’ smart to think through the pros and cons of any situation, you don’t want to get too caught up in the cons. You need to consider the possibility that the harder option, the scarier option, could end up being your best option. You don’t want to end up ruining your life by remaining in your comfort zone because you’re not actually as comfortable as you think. You haven’t actually reached your peak happiness. And in order to get there, you need to take some calculated risks. You need to bet on yourself sometimes.


Capricorn, all you want is a stable environment. That’s why you do everything within your power to stick to your schedule, to keep your head down and get your work completed in a timely manner. While that schedule might help you cross off certain goals, it can also prevent you from reaching certain goals. You don’t want to be too rigid with your calendar or you could miss out on incredible opportunities. The next time you’re met with an exciting adventure, don’t assume the safer option is the smarter option. Sometimes, it pays to take risks. Sometimes, leaving your comfort zone will be more invigorating than it is terrifying.