4 Zodiacs Who Are Scared Of Running Into Their Ex Again
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4 Zodiacs Who Are Scared Of Running Into Their Ex Again

Some zodiacs are able to remain friends with all their exes. Other signs try their best to keep their distance, but they will be perfectly fine whenever they run into an ex out on the town. But then there are the zodiacs who are terrified of running into the people from their past. The zodiacs who would do anything to avoid their exes because a conversation would be too awkward — or heartbreaking. Here are some of those signs:


A Taurus isn’t going to feel comfortable when they’re caught by surprise — and running into an ex is a huge surprise. They won’t be ready for it. They won’t know how to react. Do they hug? Wave? Pretend they didn’t notice each other? This sign won’t know what is expected of them, which is going to cause them a ton of stress. Even though they have nothing against their exes and hope they’re living happy lives, they would rather keep their distance. They would rather support each other from afar.


Libras aren’t great with confrontation. Although they will always have love in their heart for their exes, they know most people won’t share that sentiment. They know most exes will want nothing to do with them — and they’re scared of running into someone they used to love and being treated terribly by them. They’re scared of seeing just how much they’ve hurt this person and how much things have changed between them. Although this sign won’t mind running into an ex in theory, they don’t want to deal with the harsh reality that this person probably wants nothing to do with them. This person probably won’t be as happy to see them as they are to see their ex.


Once a Scorpio is finished with you, they won’t want to see your face again. The thought of running into their exes will make them sick because they want nothing to do with their past. They don’t want to relive the heartbreak they went through. And they certainly don’t want to have a conversation where they’re pretending to be friendly when they are dying inside. This sign has strict boundaries. If they say they are done with you, then they are done with you. If they see you in public, they are going to try their hardest to walk away before you notice they’re there. They are going to do everything they can to avoid a conversation — or a confrontation.


Even if an Aquarius misses you, they are going to be scared about the possibility of running into you again. After all, they aren’t great at expressing their complex emotions. They won’t know how to handle seeing you. They won’t want to hurt your feelings by acting too standoffish, but they won’t want to make you uncomfortable by acting overly friendly either. Overall, the thought of running into an ex is too stressful for them to handle. They would rather stay far, far apart so they don’t have to deal with any awkwardness. If this means avoiding their ex’s favorite restaurants and bars, then so be it. They would rather change their schedule a little than risk running into someone from their past.