4 Zodiacs Who Are The Best Gift Givers
Sagittarius has the ability to figure out what everyone wants, but also to share something of themselves with everyone. So they can find the perfect sweater for their favorite aunt, but it will mean even more to her because it came from the little town in Scotland Sagittarius visited this year. Gifts from a Sagittarius tell a story, and allow the recipient to come along for the ride. Their gifts say, “I think this about you”. It’s a compliment in physical form, but not in a stereotypical way. It’s never, “You’re smart”. It’s, “You’re pensive and thoughtful”. Never “athletic”, instead “adventurous” and “physical”. It’s about showing people they are the one thing they aspire and wish to be. Revealing how much closer to their goals people already are, and it’s Sagittarius’ ultimate form of love.
Libra knows what’s worth its weight in gold. What will be in style tomorrow versus what will be a classic piece twenty years from now. When they give a gift, they are giving someone an object they want them to hold onto for decades. Something they can carry with them, or have in their home for a long time, and every time they look at or use it, they will think of Libra. When it comes to balance in gift giving, Libra looks to give someone something that is equal or greater to their love and appreciation for them. So the closer you get to a Libra, the more they will absolutely spoil you. They’re also fantastic at taking it slow at the beginning of a relationship. No one does a White Elephant as well as they do. They just know how to nail the occasion perfectly.
Taurus knows how to buy you the one thing you’d never splurge on for yourself. They know what’s hot, what’s in, what’s sexy. They will get their hands on the sold-out white t-shirt Jeremy Allen makes look like Greek or Roman marble in The Bear. They will pick out a perfume or cologne that makes you feel like the most powerful, desirable, lovable person in any room. They will book you a massage that feels like every ounce of stress your body has ever had, or will have has completely melted away for good. You’re just always in good hands with a Taurus. They will never steer you wrong. You’ll never return or fail to use a thing they get you. At times, they feel too good to be true, like they’ve hacked your browser history, but really they just know and love you enough to get it right.
Pisces will get you the gift that makes you ball your eyes out. It doesn’t necessarily cost the most, but it means mountains more than anything else you’ve ever received as a gift. It could be a leaf they had preserved from your first walk together. A framed print of your favorite song lyrics. A restorative treatment for your favorite stuffed animal. Whatever it is, it shows the degree to which Pisces listens to your soul. Not the shallow consumer reflexes that draw you to a particular sweater or piece of jewelry. It’s the deeper, undeniable connections you’ve made to people, things, place, or feelings that Pisces can consolidate into a single gift and wrap in a bow. They can give you your childhood, falling in love for the first time, missing a loved one, or finding yourself after months of feeling lost in a single package.