4 Zodiacs Who Are Uncomfortable Calling Out Their Partner

4 Zodiacs Who Are Uncomfortable Calling Out Their Partner

Some zodiacs aren’t going to let you get away with any BS. The second that you mistreat them, they are going to call you out on it. But other signs struggle to speak up, even when they are feeling deeply uncomfortable. They will let others get away with murder because it’s easier than initiating a confrontation. Here are the zodiacs who are uncomfortable calling out their partner, even though it’s a healthy thing to do:


You are uncomfortable calling out your partner because you feel like your emotions aren’t that big of a deal. You always minimize problems and act like you don’t have a right to complain, even though you do. Your feelings are valid. You shouldn’t act like everything is fine, just because you’re embarrassed about what’s really running through your head. It’s okay to be upset with your partner. It’s okay to open up to them about those feelings. You are going to feel better once everything is out in the open. And if you’re with the right person, they won’t make you feel guilty about your thoughts. They will comfort you and help you fix the problem.


You are uncomfortable calling out your partner when they hurt you because you don’t want to cause any drama. You don’t want to feel like an inconvenience or a burden. But your feelings are not an inconvenience. At least, they shouldn’t be with the right person. If you’re dating someone who loves and respects you, someone who wants to make you happy, then they need to hear what’s on your mind. They need to know what is making you uncomfortable. If you don’t tell them, they won’t get the opportunity to change and show you that they would do anything for you. You need to call them out, even though it’s awkward, or you’re going to be stuck dealing with the same issue again and again.


You are uncomfortable calling out your person because you want to be a chill, laidback partner – but relationships aren’t always fun and games. If you’re in a serious, committed partnership, then there are going to be tough times. There are going to be arguments and misunderstandings. And that’s okay. That’s normal. You shouldn’t feel pressured to hide your true feelings from your person in order to make them like you more. They are supposed to be the one human that you feel comfortable talking to about everything and anything. If you’re right for each other, they won’t be annoyed you opened up to them. They will be thankful you trust them enough to share. 


You are uncomfortable calling out your partner because you love them and don’t want to see them in any pain. You pretend everything is fine to avoid hurting their feelings and causing them discomfort. But what about your discomfort? What about your pain? If they did something to hurt you, you’re not the bad guy for bringing it up. You should be bringing it up so they know where you stand. In healthy relationships, you have the tough conversations. You open up about what’s really on your mind. You don’t have to hide how you’re feeling, especially from the one person who wants to make you happy.