Spencer Selover

4 Zodiacs Who Are Underestimated The Most


Despite their high performance track record, Virgo still gets underestimated when it comes to their ability to handle things maturely. They are at times passed over for promotion or leadership opportunities because people doubt whether Virgo can learn to give feedback in an appropriate manner, or put aside their competitive natures. But the truth is that Virgo is capable of rising to the occasion, especially when someone believes in them personally. Some of their pettier habits come from a place of frustration, or jaded disappointment. They want the world to be an ideal place, and are willing to put in the work to make a difference. They just need to be given an opportunity to believe it’s possible.


People think Leo isn’t capable of buckling down and really committing to anything that might get in the way of their social calendar. They won’t get asked to move for work or sign up for that marathon, because people assume they’re not interested, but Leo trusts in their ability to maintain friendships and relationships even if its long distance, or with limited availability. Leos will never pass up on an opportunity to shine, and those are often the most demanding jobs. Given the choice to go shoot a film on location or go on a concert tour, no Leo is going to say no because they’re going to miss happy hour or weekly trivia as a result. Leo will put in the hours, the rehearsals, and the work to climb their way to the top of their field.


Sagittarius gets a bad rap for being commitment phobic, but they’re just really in tune with their own standards. They won’t settle down, won’t be exclusive with someone unless they know they’re all in emotionally. They get along with just about anyone, so they may date around while they’re out there looking for the one, but once they find that person, they’re not going to self-sabotage or go running off to a yoga retreat on the other side of the world. They’re looking for someone they can build a home with, and travel the world with. It’s all about exploring and sharing adventures together as a couple. Sagittarius doesn’t feel threatened or trapped at the thought of sharing a suitcase with their soulmate. It’s their dream.


Libra gets underestimated when people assume they’re a pushover, that they can’t take sides or stand up for something they believe in. Just because they like to be well informed, and are capable of understanding both sides of an argument, doesn’t mean they don’t have their own preferences or convictions. Don’t make the mistake of thinking Libra won’t speak up for themselves when slighted. They have a clear sense of what’s right and wrong, and won’t just roll over and be bulldozed by someone with an agenda. They know how to advocate for themselves in a professional and mature way that always leaves them on top with their integrity and reputation in tact. Their thoughts are always well organized, and they never let emotion get in the way of their ability to communicate.