4 Zodiacs Who Aren’t Afraid To Risk The Friendship For Love
It’s the age-old problem. You’re friends first and then slowly you develop some serious feelings. You want to be with this person. You want to tell them you love them. You hope that they feel the same way that you do. But there’s that fear at the back of your mind that worries about the friendship. What if you risk it all and it ends up destroying everything so much that they’re no longer in your life at all. Is it even worth the risk? For these four zodiac signs, that’s a resounding “YES!” For them, love will always win over friendship. Why be friends when you can be something so much more? Are you one of these four zodiac signs who go for it even when it risks the friendship?
Whether or not they’re worrying about the status of the friendship, Aries are so impulsive that they’ll wind up saying something whether it’s a good idea or not. They’re the “I know what I want and I’m not afraid to get it” type of person. Bravery? Aries has it in spades. That’s why they’ve made a move every time they’ve developed feelings for a friend. Sure, sometimes it backfires horribly. For them, risks are pretty much always worth taking. Because if things go well, the Aries will end up with the person they love. What’s not to like?
Geminis don’t often fall for their friends, but when they do, they make a sport out of pining for them. They’ll insist that they don’t need to profess their feelings, that they don’t want to ruin the friendship. And they really think they’ll stick to that plan. Trouble is, one wild night and one drink too many and their chaotic side takes over, spilling their guts to the friend they love. They might just throw caution to the wind and go in for a kiss. And if it wasn’t well-received? Be prepared for them to act like nothing ever happened. They don’t even remember! (Yeah, sure.)
Libras are the type to say that they’d never ruin the friendship for love. They care so much about their friends so anything that would disrupt their social circle is a no-go. And yet…have you ever noticed how often their partners actually started out as friends or acquaintances? The statistics are staggeringly in favor of the friends-to-lovers pipeline. Usually it’s the friends that make the first move, but it’s Libra’s lover energy that draws them in.
Like Aries, Sagittarius has the fiery energy that makes them feel invincible. When they’re in love with a friend, they’ll entertain the idea that they might not have those feelings reciprocated, but they’re too confident to think that’ll truly happen. They’re optimistic, they’re confident, and they’re honestly not too worried about anything bad happening. They figure that if making a move on a friend destroys the whole friendship, then it must not have been a solid friendship after all.