4 Zodiacs Who Communicate The Best With Their Partner
Geminis know themselves well. The outside self they present to the world, the elevator pitch self that sums up what they like and what they’re good at, and the shadow self that lingers underneath everything else. The self that is contrarian and cut against the grain. The self that is and thinks and does the opposite of what everyone else expects of them. This awareness of their own complexity allows them to accurately express their needs as well as their point of view to a partner. They don’t waffle back and forth. They don’t play mind games. They spell out exactly what they are looking for in a relationship, and it is up to that other person to step up to the plate or blow it. And if they do blow it, a Gemini won’t hesitate to let that be known.
Libras communicate the best with their partners because they are the masters of give and take. They know how to open up, but also make space for their partner to do the same. They are the best listeners and never fail to contribute to the conversation to keep the connection going. Their responses are always connected to the information they’ve just received. It helps their partner feel heard and related to. If their partner tells an embarrassing story, a Libra will offer up an equally cringe-worthy anecdote. They’ll never let their loved one feel alone in this world, and their partners foster an intense loyalty because of it. There is something to be said for creating a space that is safe enough to share every last side of yourself.
Aquarians are the copywriters of the zodiac. It’s the reason they are often known for their philanthropy. To stand up for any cause requires you to be able to articulate said cause and convince others of its importance. Aquariuses are the sign that can come up with a slogan for a car wash fundraiser for homeless dogs in a snap, and their partners benefit from this skill as well. They are the perfect sounding boards, and can often put their partner’s feelings into words before they can themselves. Just by listening to what’s going on in a given situation, they can pinpoint the complex emotions that the other person is feeling. Hearing their Aquarius repeat the issue back to them and articulate it better than they did themselves produces a shock and awe that makes them one in a million.
Pisces can give words to the things there aren’t words for. In the same way circumlocution describes a word in a foreign language the speaker doesn’t know, a Pisces can describe the feelings and experiences humankind has yet to name. The feelings that live in the in-between, like how it can be unsettling to go back to somewhere you spent years of your childhood and feel intense grief for the time you can’t get back but also like you don’t even know the place at all because you’re not the same person anymore. They broach these topics with their significant other and connect over these experiences that are unpleasant and incredibly visceral. They bond over saying these unspeakable things out loud.