Andrea Piacquadio

4 Zodiacs Who Could Be Perfectly Content As Hermits


Don’t come for me for saying this Taurus, but there’s part of you that has an underlying hoarder vibe, like Smaug in his treasure filled mountain in The Hobbit, or One-Eyed Willy from The Goonies. If you are surrounded by beautiful things, you don’t necessarily need to be surrounded by people. You can be left on your own to enjoy a nest of your own creation — drinking your favorite kind of coffee, soaking in a perfectly prepared bubble bath, listening to a carefully curated record collection. You enjoy quiet and thrive in solitude. There’s nothing to apologize for or be ashamed of. People are bound to see the paradise you create for yourself and envy it. No wonder you sometimes become protective of your own peace. 


Your inclusion in this list may come as a surprise to many, Sagittarius, but they forget your penchant for travel includes destinations both populous and remote. You love being able to survey a landscape free from gas stations, traffic lights, and strip malls. Horizons replete with nothing but pure nature, and in how many varieties do they come! Deserts and moors, forests and buttes, seaside cliffs and pastoral plains. Anywhere you can go and hear the sound of running water or wildlife is a place where you feel at peace and at home. For all of modernity’s conveniences, there is a part of you that would die to go completely off the grid for an extended period of time. To be unreachable by text or wifi or anything other than old fashioned post.


Silent retreats were practically created for you, Pisces. You have no need to verbalize the numerous thoughts that populate your mind at any given moment. You process them much faster than you can speak. Any opportunity to spend the day hidden away from the world with your own thoughts or a stack full of books is a slice of heaven to you. Of course your cherish your relationships, but part of what you cherish is the ability to not see even your best friend for weeks at a time and pick up where you left off. Other people don’t ingest the same level of detail you do, so you need prolonged stretches of alone time to process all of the stimuli you perceive in your daily life.


You often fantasize happily about being the last person on earth, Virgo. About walking into your local grocery store as if nothing had changed, grabbing a cart, and methodically making your way down each aisle with precision and intention. Nothing in your routine would change, except perhaps the need to pad a timetable for traffic. Everything would be regimented down to your bathroom breaks like perfect clockwork. Without anyone to correct, coach, or criticize, you could focus entirely on self-appreciation, fully enjoying your own tastes and preferences with zero friction or pushback. Every sunset enjoyed with a glass of Sancerre, every morning with a perfectly pressed shirt. Books alphabetized by title, cans in the refrigerator perfectly aligned, and all would be right with the world.