4 Zodiacs Who Fall In Love Slowly
Cancer falls in love slowly because they are looking for consistency in a partner above all else, and it’s one of the few qualities that truly must be proven over time. Consistency isn’t doing the same thing a few times. That could be chance, or luck, or specific motivations. Most people would work out or take out the trash every day if they got paid to do so. Cancer wants to know what their partners commit to when there is no reward when no one is looking. What habits their partners would have if they weren’t in the picture? Who they truly are at their cores, when there is no one there to impress. Cancers know life is long, it throws us all curveballs. They want to be sure the person they tie themselves to in a serious way has the fortitude to face those challenges without compromising their character.
Leo has a hard time prioritizing a partner, especially when they are new. They get swept up in the infatuation stage because it’s the easiest to find with someone. When one person disappoints, there is always someone new to be curiously attracted to. They can tend to make their rounds on the apps as opposed to really laying the groundwork and planting roots with someone specific. It’s because they’ve been disappointed that they focus on the temporary highs new love can offer, but because they’re afraid of getting hurt, they don’t get past the surface-level connections and into a more serious bond. They hesitate to put romance above friends, career, and other commitments, which means they just need more time to build a quality connection. When they do log enough hours of meaningful conversation, that’s when they really start to see a future in all of the potential.
Virgos are the Majora’s Mask of zodiac signs. They have a persona for every occasion. Professional Virgo. Gossip Virgo. Best friend Virgo. First Date Virgo. Scorned Ex Virgo. And on and on until the end of time. They’re never caught without an umbrella in the rain or a coping mechanism that takes shape in an aspect of their personality. So it can take a really really long time to scrape through all of the fluff and the show and the armor and get to the heart of who they really are as a person. And until they open themselves up to their partner, the real compatibility of the pair is an unknown variable. How can you love someone you don’t really know or someone who doesn’t really know you? Their reluctance to reveal anything about themselves means that they may actually not start with square one of getting-to-know-you questions until the tenth or eleventh date.
Libra ignores the warning signs as long as possible, and downplays the excitement and wonder of falling in love because they’re trying, as in all aspects of their life to be responsible. To not get ahead of themselves, to be really, truly, absolutely sure that the feelings and sensations they are experiencing go beyond desire, infatuation, and lust, and into the realm of emotions that can truly build a lifelong bond. The number of people they say, “I love you” to is extremely limited. It’s even likely they’ve loved more people than they’ve told because they were stuck in their own holding pattern. Their greatest fear is ever having to take those words back, to look back on a relationship and realize they didn’t mean them, that the feelings were misplaced or insincere. They are looking out for their partners as much as they are looking out for themselves.