4 Zodiacs Who Feel Like They’re Never Good Enough
Some zodiacs are able to let hard times roll off their backs. Modern dating might suck every once in a while, but it will only be a temporary sting. However, other signs have trouble coping when others treat them poorly. They might even start to wonder whether they deserve such harsh treatment. (Spoiler alert: They do not.) Here are a few zodiacs who feel like they’re never good enough:
You feel like no matter how hard you try, it’s never enough. It feels like you’re always the one who is putting in more effort in relationships. It feels like you’re the one who is reaching out to start conversations, the one who is planning out romantic dates, the one who is checking in and making sure everything is okay – and quite frankly, you’re exhausted. You don’t mind doing your fair share, but the other person has to do theirs. You shouldn’t be the only person trying, hoping that this relationship works out. But it’s hard to find someone on the same page as you.
Your self-confidence certainly hasn’t been helped by modern dating. It’s hard to feel good about yourself when you’ve dealt with so much rejection and heartbreak. But you need to remember that you are still lovable, no matter what you’ve been through in the past, no matter how hard it’s been for you to find your person. Even though you might feel like you aren’t good enough because others keep taking and taking from you without offering anything in return, you need to remember that the right person will return the favor. They will do as much for you as you do for them. They will make you feel valued and heard.
You know that you’re a catch. You know that you have a whole lot to offer. But modern dating makes it easy to forget those things. After all, there are so many people who refuse to give you the energy, time, and respect that you deserve. When you keep getting treated poorly, it’s natural to wonder whether you deserve that treatment – but that’s not the case. You should never give into the temptation to settle for someone who is only giving you part of what you want. Hold out for someone who can give you everything, who checks all the boxes. They’re out there looking for you too.
You project confidence to the world – but you aren’t nearly that sure of yourself. It’s mostly an act. Deep down, you are softer than anyone would believe. That’s why modern dating has been so tough on you. Everyone thinks you can take their rejection, take their silence, take their uncertainty – but it’s been weighing on you more than they know. It’s been hard to deal with all of the stress that modern dating brings, especially when you prefer to pretend that you aren’t bothered at all. But you need to remember, it’s okay to complain. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel your feelings. Pushing them away will only make your struggles worse.