4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Struggling To Cut Someone Out This May
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4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Struggling To Cut Someone Out This May

It’s never easy saying goodbye to someone who meant the world to you, someone you have history with, someone you thought would remain in your orbit for the rest of your life. But you can’t hold on to the wrong people too tightly. You have to let them go for your own good. Here are some zodiacs who have been struggling to cut someone out this May — but you can do it:


Taurus, once you grow attached to someone, the last thing you want is to let them go. You want to stick to your routine, even when you know it isn’t working because at least it’s familiar. But you need to remember, change isn’t always a negative. Sometimes, it’s the best thing for you. It might be painful to think about living life without this person, but you will be able to survive without them. And they will survive too. You’re not a bad person for walking away. You’re doing the right thing, even though it might feel painful right now.


You should be proud of the fact that you’re even thinking about walking away since it’s in your nature to stay and try to fix things for as long as possible. But it’s not always possible to save a friendship or relationship. Sometimes, you need to walk away in order to give you both the best chance of living your best life. Even if the other person doesn’t respect your decision to leave, you need to remember, your thoughts and feelings matter too. It’s time to stop prioritizing their happiness above your own. Do what you need to do, because you are going to regret it if you allow them to continue walking all over you.


Virgo, it’s hard for you to accept that you willingly invited the wrong person into your life. Since you don’t want to accept that they’re bad for you, you’ve been hesitating to walk away. But you need to remember, there’s nothing wrong with changing your mind. Sometimes, relationships change. And sometimes, you’re unable to see the red flags at first. Whether this person was wrong from the start or has simply become incompatible with you over time, it’s okay to let go. It’s okay to decide you want to surround yourself with other people moving forward. Your past doesn’t have to be your present.


Pisces, you never want to cause anyone pain. You want to be the reason why everyone around you is smiling and feeling confident, not the reason why they’re feeling insecure and crying. But in the long run, it’s better to let the wrong people go so they can find people who fit them better. You’re actually doing them a favor, even though it doesn’t feel like it right now. Overall, you’ll both be happier apart. Remember, sometimes, the roughest choice is the one you’re going to be proudest of yourself for making in the end. So don’t keep prolonging what you know in your heart you need to do.