4 Zodiacs Who Hold On Too Tightly To Toxic Humans
You don’t want to end up staying in relationships or friendships when they are hurting you. You deserve to be surrounded by people who respect you and appreciate you, not who drain you and make you more miserable. Here are the zodiacs who hold on too tightly to toxic partners:
Cancer, you hold on tightly to your partners, no matter how terribly they treat you, because you are in love. You promised to stick by their side and you are the type to follow through on your promises. However, if they keep breaking theirs, you are under no obligation to stay with them. Some things are more important than love, like whether you feel safe and comfortable with them. You don’t want to sacrifice your happiness in order to maintain your relationship with them. Your relationship should be bringing you happiness. If it mostly brings pain, then you belong with someone else. You can’t keep giving up pieces of yourself to please them. You have to choose you now.
Libra, you see the best in others, so you don’t want to let the people you care about go when they make a mistake. Even when those mistakes turn into patterns, you still have hope that they are going to turn their behavior around eventually. You give others plenty of time and space to make it up to you because you understand others are on their own journey. You try not to judge. You try to stay optimistic. But that kindness can backfire on you. It can cause you to stay tethered to toxic people who don’t deserve your love at all. Be careful because you don’t want to give someone too many chances when they aren’t making any effort to change.
Virgo, you believe people can change, so you never want to give up on the ones that you love. You will stubbornly stick with them. After all, you’re a fixer, so you hope that you can be the one to teach them how to improve, how to better themselves and treat others better in the process. You feel like it’s your responsibility to help them, even when it’s not. You don’t owe them anything. You don’t have to stick by their side when they keep hurting you again and again. At a certain point, you have to do what is best for you and forget about what is best for them.
Pisces, you are too stubborn to give up on the people you love. You have grown attached to them, so the thought of saying goodbye is rougher than the thought of continuing receiving such poor treatment from them. However, you have to remind yourself that you don’t deserve the pain they’re putting you through. You don’t deserve to be treated like a punching bag, to be given respect on certain days and denied it on others. There are people out there who will treat you right all the time, not only a chunk of the time, and you should be with them instead.