4 Zodiacs Who Honestly Don't Want To Fall In Love Again
Twenty20 / NickBulanovv

4 Zodiacs Who Honestly Don’t Want To Fall In Love Again

Some zodiacs want to find a new partner the second their previous relationship falls apart. But other signs want to stay far, far away from love after getting their hearts broken. They aren’t interested in repeating history, and would rather stay alone for a while. Here are the zodiacs who honestly don’t want to fall in love again:


Although you would love to settle down with your soulmate at some point in the future, you really don’t want to go through the dating process again. You don’t want to meet new people, people who you aren’t sure whether you can fully trust, people who will lie and say whatever pops into their head to convince you that they have your best interest at heart. You eventually want to find the person meant for you, but for now, you really don’t have the energy to fall in love again. You don’t have the desire to give someone a chance when they could treat you like trash. You want to be alone for a while. You want to enjoy your solitude because searching for a partner can seriously stress you out.


You don’t want to fall in love again because you don’t want to get hurt again. It’s easier not to care. It’s easier to keep yourself isolated and keep your heart guarded. Although a happily ever after sounds nice in theory, you don’t want to go through the trouble of dating. You don’t want to put your heart on the line for someone who could end up smashing it to pieces. Although you’ll be ready to date again someday, right now, you really don’t want to fall in love again. You don’t want to take such a huge risk because you aren’t ready to deal with the fallout.


You don’t want to fall in love again because you haven’t had the best track record with relationships, and you’re starting to grow pessimistic. You’re starting to wonder whether dating is worth the effort at all. Honestly, you don’t want anything to do with love right now. If someone worthwhile comes along, then you are willing to give them a chance, but you aren’t going to go out of your way for just anyone. You aren’t going to put your heart on the line without a good reason because you’re honestly more comfortable alone for the time being.


You don’t want to fall in love again because you are honestly exhausted. You don’t have the energy to get to know someone new. You have gone through this song and dance one too many times before and you don’t want to repeat the process again. Eventually, you will reenergize yourself, but for the time being, you want to be left alone. You don’t want to fall in love. You don’t even want to think about love. You just want to enjoy your alone time because you don’t need a partner in order to feel happy and fulfilled. You can achieve that joy all on your own.