4 Zodiacs Who Keep Their Heart Open, Despite How Many Times They’ve Been Hurt
It’s hard to open yourself up to love again after you have been betrayed or left behind by someone that you love. Certain zodiacs will swear off of love completely when their heart has been broken. But others signs are never going to stop searching for their soulmate. Here are the zodiacs who stay open, despite how many times they have been hurt:
You have been hurt in the past, and although it wasn’t easy to get over your heartbreak, that pain was never going to stop you from seeking out true love. You have your heart set on finding that one special person, so you aren’t going to let your exes convince you that you’re better off alone. You know what you want. You just have to find it. You have to stay patient because not everyone ends up with their person early on in life. Even though you have been with the wrong person a few times, you know that not everyone is going to behave like the people you were with in the past. People who are better suited for you are out there. You have hope that you are going to find each other eventually. It’s going to happen. It’s just a matter of when.
You have been hurt in the past, but you have never let it stop you from being a true romantic. You aren’t under the impression that everyone is going to hurt you like your exes have. You aren’t under the impression that you are impossible to love either. You know that you are worthy of a happy, healthy relationship. You know that you are eventually going to find someone who fits you well. You simply haven’t found the right person yet. Once you do, they are going to treat you right. They are going to make you feel special. They are going to make your past heartbreaks feel worth it.
You have been hurt in the past, but you are still keeping your heart open. It isn’t always easy to trust others, but you would rather take a shot on someone special and eventually realize that they’re the wrong person for you than push away everyone and isolate yourself completely. You have your heart set on finding your soulmate, so you are going to make it happen. You might not have the power to determine when the right person enters your life, but you are in complete control of whether you put yourself out there, and that’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to at least try. You would be disappointed in yourself if you didn’t.
You have had your heart broken into pieces in the past, but you still keep your heart wide open today. You still act vulnerable with people that you trust. You still put yourself out there every single day. And that is incredibly brave. Some people are scared to love again after getting hurt, but you aren’t going to let a few bad experience sour you on the idea of love as a whole. That would mean letting your exes win, and you aren’t about to let that happen. You are going to find love, and you are going to live your happily ever after, just like you’ve always dreamed. You trust that it’s going to happen one day. It’s only a matter of time.