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4 Zodiacs Who Keep Their Spark In Their Golden Years

Even though the planets and stars that govern astrology are billions of years old, it doesn’t seem to bother them. The planets keep on spinning, and the stars keep on shining.

On the other hand, most humans will never live to see 80, so most of us start panicking once we see the first wrinkle or grey hair. Growing old is a cruel process of slow death—or, as one writer called it, “death on the installment plan.”

The 1947 book Knock on Any Door birthed the slogan “Live fast, die young, and have a good-looking corpse.” Unfortunately, most of us have loved ones and dependents who would suffer if we decided to exit this world merely for vanity’s sake, which is why in most cases the more desirable backup plan is to grow old gracefully. Plus, if we’re honest, we’ll admit that only psychopaths aren’t afraid of dying, so we cling to life because it seems better than the alternative.

Several factors combine to ensure one’s longevity and vitality: Genes, attitude, dietary habits, and exercise. But a factor that’s often overlooked is one’s zodiac sign.

The following four signs tend to be born with personality traits that enable them to keep feeling energetic and optimistic long into their twilight years.

1. Leo

The Sun, a colossal sphere of scorching flames, is the center of our solar system, dwarfing the Earth a million times over. Its radiant presence breathes life into our planet, making existence possible. Leo, a passionate Fire sign, also finds themselves under the Sun’s divine rule. They emanate vitality, their energy palpable in every interaction. Vibrant and outgoing, they possess an insatiable thirst and boundless zest for life’s pleasures. Rarely succumbing to melancholy or seclusion, they stand resilient, fiercely resisting the grip of despair. Even as the Grim Reaper beckons, they defiantly confront their fate, refusing to go down without a fistfight.

2. Aries

Aries radiate a vibrantly energetic aura, imbuing everything around them with an infectious zest for life. With Mars as their ruler, they are never passive and always ready for action—or even combat if necessary. They are passionate, determined, and competitive. Forever youthful at heart, they embrace the passing years with a vigor that defies time, almost as if the blood that courses through their veins is a perpetual fountain of youth. Their never-say-die attitude is why they are symbolized by the Ram rather than the Lamb.

3. Gemini

Unlike other signs that become set in their ways and stuck in the past as they age, Gemini’s ruler Mercury helps them stay mentally sharp and curious. This can translate into vitality. Their youthful spirit and adaptability help them remain active into their dotage. No matter how many nasty curveballs life throws at them, Gemini manages to swing and hit it out of the park. Like the famous old Nietzsche quote, what doesn’t kill Gemini only makes them stronger. Nietzsche only lived to 55—then again, he was a Libra.

4. Capricorn

Capricorns seem to have some miraculous ability to defy time, almost as if they age in reverse. Their disciplined and enduring temperament protects them from the ravages of time like a force field of eternal youth. The influence of Saturn, their ruling planet, empowers them to become stronger and more resilient with age, their structured habits acting as a solid foundation. Capricorn is the last sign you would ever expect to just give up and “let themselves go.”