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4 Zodiacs Who Need A Serious Break This Weekend (Dec. 9-11)

The days are getting shorter and we’re all just a little more tired, a little more wrung out. Then there are some of us who are even more done than the rest. These four zodiac signs could probably use a nap right now. Give them a break so they can come back Monday feeling strong.


It’s been too much socializing for you, Taurus. It’s not that you don’t like all these holiday parties and family get-togethers. You care about (most of) these people. But dang, if you could have just one weekend where you weren’t holiday shopping or baking cookies or seeing that uncle you hate debating. You know it’s okay to say “no,” right? This weekend, put your phone on Do Not Disturb and just veg out. I’m talking a full on pajamas-all-day kind of moment. Snacks, binge-watching your comfort show, ordering food for delivery. Sounds nice, huh? So make it happen.


At this point in December, you’re probably seriously regretting taking on so much responsibility. The idea that you’re “the only one who can handle” organizing potlucks and elaborate gift exchanges is the thing holding you together. Truth is, if you delegate some of these responsibilities, things will be fine. Your mental health will thank you, at the very least. Even if you don’t trust your circle to do some of the tasks you’ve set out for yourself, how about leaving some of them for Monday instead of using yet another weekend to get everything done. Relax, please. Drink a PSL and scroll TikTok or something. Your poor stress-filled body needs it.


You’re known for being pretty emotionally intense, which is why so many people seem to enter your gravitational orbit. While it makes you seem mysterious and deep, it’s also incredibly tiring. You can’t be super emotional all the time–you’ll just end up feeling wrung out. Use this weekend to do something mind-numbing. Maybe throw some paint on a canvas or spend the whole weekend in bed. A two-day nap might do you some good. You’re not avoiding your emotions this way–you’re just giving them a bit of a break.


You hate small talk. It feels pointless to you. Which is why this social season has been so exhausting for you. It’s all work parties and family gatherings with people you barely know. And that means you have to answer the same questions over and over. “How’s work?” “Oh, is that where you grew up?” “Isn’t the weather so brutal this winter?” No depth in sight, and it’s seriously bumming you out. This weekend, take a break from all the small talk by either steering clear of all social interaction or only talking to the people who understand that you need a little more depth.